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The Right Stuff Awards 2019


Staff member
Nov 5, 2009
Reaction score
Wow... another year older.

I can't believe I started The Few Good Men over 18 years ago... so much has happened in the 18 years... Ive got married, I've started a family, I've changed jobs twice, I've travelled from one side of the globe to the other but the FGM has remained constant. It is actually quite amazing to think the club is still here...

But why is it still here and why have I devoted so much time to it... simple... you guys. You guys make this club what it is and personally I find it a really neat place to hang out. When I've had a tough day at work I can pop in here and laugh at some awful jokes, welcome some new guys in, have a look at some historical chat all in a 'safe space' free from trolls and idiots.

As part of our New Year ceremonies here I usually start of by awarding people The Right Stuff ribbons.... basically a little award that sees me pick you out as a positive influence to this community. Now this doesn't mean I haven't bitch slapped you for being an idiot at some point during the year but overall your contribution to keeping this community vibrant outweighs any dunderhead moments you may have partaken in. So without further ado.... here we go... drum roll please.

Step forward @Zinzan

What a guy, he amuses me no end with his split personality postings on the boards, always welcoming to new members and occasionally funny. ;) Well done mate.

Next is @steve

An old head on the forums now, again he gets involved in a lot of discussion, posts some great pictures and is very active in the community. Well done mate.

Step forward @Meat Grinder

A proverbial pain in the ass at times but generally a good guy who is more active on the forums than me. Keeps the team on their toes when he occasionally turns into Scrappy Doo... his positive input to the forums outweighs all this however and he receives The Right Stuff Award.

Also stepping up is @MeatEtr

A long term member of the site he continues to be active, getting involved in a lot of conversations with minimal fuss. Its steady members like MeatEtr that make the FGM such a relaxed environment for us to enjoy.

The final three gaining the award are three steadfast member who support the forums by posting regularly and really getting involved.


Thanks to you all and Im looking forward to interacting with you all during 2019.

Keep up the good work fellas!
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Errrr...... ermmmmm.... Boooo-Hooooo... Ahhhhhh-Shucks...... I'm soooooo embarressed.... Wheeee-Heeeee I'm Popular... It's a New Year miracle....
(Gee thanks. He's gonna be insufferable for weeks...... :) )

Love you all, especially that Irish/Scots guy who hangs around here pretending to be the boss - He's funny, in all the wrong ways........ (Cheers, see what you started @Bootie )
Why thank you kindly Sir, and thanks for keeping us all on our toes here in the barracks.

Great place to share stuff with like minded souls without getting trolled or embroiled by mud slinging and politics, long may it stay that way.

Congrats to all the others mentioned in dispatches too.

Keep it up guys, and don't stick yer head above the parapet unless it's safe to do so.


Thanks, Shane! But let's give credit where credits due - to you! First, for starting the FGM in the first place! Second, for keeping the site interesting and "fresh". Third, for insisting that there be a modicum of decorum, that we "can all agree to disagree, but without all the drama and angst".

Finally, I appreciate all of the fine fellows here that post and banter and make this the best club site on the planet. You guys are the best!

May you all have a Happy New Year! May God bless you all and your families too! (Sorry Shane, I know it's religious....)\

HOA_KSOP aka ksbearski aka Barry
Wow thanks @Bootie it’s much appreciated! You said we’re part of the reason you keep at it here and I must say your a big part of the reason we keep coming back. Your continued quest to constantly keep things updated and fun for the members doesn’t go unnoticed. Then of course the community here in general is icing on the cake. Long live FGM!

Cheers fellas and happy new year to you all! :D
