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Todays News Tomorrows History

I would be interested in hearing more of the British perspective regarding the Middle East. Russia wants Syrian ports. America wants to spite Iran. Israel is committed to the survival of a Jewish state. Yemen is a mess. Yet Quattar, UAR, and especially Oman are still mysteries to me. There are Arab interests, Persian interests, Egyptian interests, and so on and so forth (all besides the fanatical calls for a Caliphate).
If you are going to be our FGM newscaster, shouldn't you have a coat and tie? Maybe some make-up? Just sayin'.

Errr make up and coat and tie????? Shouldn't it be mascara, lipstick, some blusher along with a low-cut dress? :)eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: - What!)

Enjoying the look of this thread but struggling to watch all the vids suddenly appearing.
Of course I did, as soon as I saw the new channel - or whatever you hipsters call this YouTube TV thingy. It's a great collection of stuff I simply have reduced time for hobbies, so try to Play & read when possible.

I would recommend the channel to anyone with Any interest in WW 2 or modern warfare.
(see he can be nice, when the Boss talks)