[TV Series] The Expanse

Has anyone watched episode one of the latest series? I'll wait until all episodes, or at least most of them, already have been aired so I can watch all of them, or most of them, on a day I'm off work.
Only six episodes this time. A bit dissapointed about that. And so far each episode is just as long as in series 1 to 5. I hope the next three episodes are longer.
Four episodes of this, the sixth, series of The Expanse are watched and I am quite a bit disappointed.

The scenes with the little girl and those creatures that can heal the dead aren't very interesting and make me think of Stephen King's book Animal Cemetery. The actor who is Marco Inaros always make me laugh and reminds me of the feminine guy in the band Kiss. None of the actors seem very interested in trying hard enough to make the sixth series intetesting and the actor who is the captain on Rocinante seems to almost fall asleep in every scene he's in.

It wouldn't surprise me if the main story and the side stories get solved in a rushed through last episode.
You may be right but I disagree. I think that the planet Laconia side story sets the stage for something bigger (as in a sequel to the series). I think Marco Inaros is a clever sociopath who is way over his head. He could be a poster child for Hubris. I used to find Hitler's histrionic orations silly too except for the immense horrors he produced (something Inaros shares with him).


As for Holden's clear fatigue, I think it shows that current events and personal responsibilities are taking a terrible toll on him (and everyone else in the Solar system for that matter).

While I fear that The Expanse might end as poorly as Game of Thrones, I don't think such fears will be realized. I expect a satisfying closure which will still leave mysteries for a successor series to confront.
Well, watched the first episode and I kind of have to side with @BornGinger.
WTF is it with that little girl? Remember the little girl in Godzilla? I'm having the same problem with this one. So far wasted space and time (pun intended).
I don't care if she turns out to be extremely important to the plot, she's irritatingly cute and that goes for her little E.T. buddy as well. She is just jarringly out of place
to the tone of this show, particularly as the seasons closes on the end game. Maybe it is setting us up for a prequel/sequel, but I don't care. I'm watching The Expanse
right now.
Marco is over the top. No longer believable as some kind of charismatic leader of the down trodden Belters. I wouldn't follow him to a Taco Bell.
Someone needs to tell the Captain to stop taking those drugs. It's not too late!
My favorite character remains Amos, but Drummer is gaining. Naomi remains an unsympathetic diva.
Did I mention I really like this show? :geek:
"The Expanse series finale will take air on Friday, Jan. 14, 2022." - Amazon Prime Video
Well, that makes feel a little better. I just finished episode 5 and there were no more available so I thought that was end and and I was
getting ready for an historic rant. The last episode will run about 75 minutes so maybe they can give us the ending we all crave.
Finished up season 6 last night. The last episode was a lot of fun and really good (There's also an easter egg in the final assault...check the names of the strike team members). Overall I give the season a B+. It could have definitely used a few more episodes.The biggest thing I disliked was introducing a new storyline when they knew this was the last season. I hate that. Seriously, if you know this is the last season, wrap up the loose ends and don't introduce anything new. It's not hard. Still, it's the best sci-fi show that's been produced in a long time and one of my favorites. Godspeed, Roci.
.The biggest thing I disliked was introducing a new storyline when they knew this was the last season.
I'm okay with that. The universe is full of stories. This is one story which I found satisfying even though I'm sorry to see it end. The Expanse remains very good science fiction, well worth watching.

Here's a pretty good recap for viewing after watching the final episode.
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