
The latest info on the Sie Kommen II project.

8 Scenarios Completed and Tested
3 Scenarios in Play Test
3 Scenarios in Author Test Mode
3 Scenarios Map Completed
1 Scenario in Map Creation

Briefings - style adopted (50% complete)
Graphics - Operation, Tactical (45% complete)

There will be 8 scenarios Allied Attacks, 4 scenarios Allied Probes, 4 scenarios Meeting Engagements, and 2 scenarios Axis Attack.

6 scenarios at Dawn, 7 scenarios at Day, 2 scenarios at Dusk, and 3 scenarios at Night.

Replayability should be excellent as all scenarios will have at least 3 AI plans most will have 5...

Campaign will be Allies vs AI (release date October 31st)

5, 12, and 18 Battle Game Packs with Rule Book, Commander Books and Maps, playable Allies vs AI or H2H as per style of the original Sie Kommen for CMAK. (release date November 15th). Victory Point(s) for all battles are based upon size of battle and importance within the overall campaign, thus totaling all VP's in the Game Packs will be used to determine the winner.

Many Screen shots of Maps at website.

Here is a view of the Campaign Flow


Special Thanks to the play testers:
General Failure, MeatEtr, mjkerner, Chris 'Ferrous', Dutch Grenadier, NYCPizzaMan, Schutzstaffel, Reaver, Rocketman
Impressed FR.
Look forward to giving it a test drive.

Well done , looks like you hav eput alot of work into this