Weird war posters and comic books


FGM Major
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
Western Australia
I came across a trove of peculiar images I collected, while clearing out some archives.
No, it wasn't porn, but perhaps even more embarrassing. :sneaky:

I collected these curios to post on an old CMBB campaign website I used to be part of.
And now I'm backing up the dump truck for FGM. Enjoy. :p

I might do them slowly, over time, so Bootie doesn't notice his server space disappearing. :whistleo:

Not exactly sure what her part is, but my eyes are drawn to her hands.

Overwhelming desire to punch his nose.

Guilt from a tough guy. Your failure to car-pool caused his head wound.


No words...



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In case you had no idea of geopolitics in the 40's, these handy instructional posters clarify things I guess. Plenty of creepy uncles. ;)
I wouldn't trust that Canadian, based on his hat.
I have serious doubts about the Ethiopian's combat effectiveness - based on his weapon.

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Guys, remember that we have Russian players here on FGM.

And they were absolutely fighting for their freedom from extreme tyranny - and survival. That much is obvious.
However, they were also heavily persecuted by their own government. Rock and a hard place.
Same goes for WW1, which is mainly what caused the original uprising. From the Zsar to Stalin. Sheesh. :rolleyes:

As with so many uprisings for freedom, it's a case of 'out of the frying pan, into the fire'.
How many nations have seen this happen throughout history? Too many. Even now.
It'd be nice to see more national leaders in the world who are smart and wise. True Statesmen/women.
So much wasted on skullduggery and wars. It's a mad, mad world.

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I think we were just pointing out that national leaders follow their own will ( and the will of the special interest groups within their political arena) and not necessarily the will of the people. Plus, I would argue that a Russian citizen's view of "freedom" is conceptually much different than an American's or a Japanese or any citizen from any country. I absolutely agree that first and foremost the Soviet soldiers were fighting for their lives against the Nazi's, plain and simple. Clearly, in the average Soviet citizen's eyes, the Nazi's were the far greater threat to hearth and health.
Yeah, so much so, that it's an absurd tragedy.
Seems to happen in almost every human attempt to organize, doesn't it?
How do morons and psychopaths keep rising to the top? Incredible.
Here's an interesting piece of propaganda - from WW1 I think.
The helpless women, boobs akimbo, captured by a mad, wild-eyed brute. Look at those eyes.
Not even human (easier to kill, because the enemy is dehumanized).
It's stepping ashore into America (the beach is conveniently labeled).

As I look from the brute's predatory stare, to the woman's exposed breasts, I can't wait to pick up a rifle and stab someone with my bayonet. :sneaky:
Seems a bit clumsy these days, but the same psychology is used today. Pick an enemy, demonize them, fire up passion.

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