Johnsy's Gallery/AAR's



This is a link to a playlist with 'video after action reports' (AAR's) of battles against human opponents using games from the 'Combat Mission' family of titles.

All battles are recorded in real time with commentary by me as things happen, and all the battles are using the 'play by email' (PBEM) method. You will see and hear my ideas, excitement, disappointment, swearing and tears in real time and watch as my plans develop. In seeing both the replay of the turns and then the orders phase with me, you will ride the excitement, disappointment, wins and losses with me.

I have three AAR's finished and ready to release and I'll release one episode every day or so until they are all uploaded to this playlist. I would suggest that you subscribe to my page and you'll be notified when a episode has been uploaded.

I hope you enjoy.
or the Frenchies. I m said to have an Irish accen because of my years spent there, but sometimes the casual "merde" can be heard before my mind filters it like.

great videos mate.
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