ArmA 3 session Sunday 20th November - 11:00 GMT / 12:00 CET


FGM Company Sergeant Major
Jan 2, 2020
Reaction score
We will be running another session of Hearts and Minds.


We are an Hellenic country recovering from a civil war. We are fighting a foreign backed insurgency on some of our islands, we are supplied by mostly old European arms.

We have lost significant reputation amongst the island's civilians due too our butchered operation when we first arrived, and are slowly recovering. The team has so far managed to clear out a insurgent cache in Kalithea, as well as clearing out nearby towns. The town of Pyrgos, the regional capital, is under insurgent control. The team is aware of a cache south of Neochori as well as a potential hideout in the far northeast.

Operation NORTH
We have information about a hideout in the northeast of Altis, this is a light forested hilly region that is sparsely populated. Our plan is to send in a motorized ground team (2x Humvees) to raid the mostly abandoned compounds in the area, supported by a utility helicopter with two pylons of armament. The LAV-25 APC is undergoing repairs and will be unavailable for the operation. If we are to few soldiers to accomplish this we will prioritize different objectives.


Roles needed for the operation:
Pilot, Squad Leader and Radio Operator.
I will most likely be the pilot unless someone else volunteers. The Radio Operator will be performing double duty as a rifleman and air controller, knowledge about how to operate a long range radio is required and knowledge about how to call for an attack run will be helpful. The Squad Leader is in charge of the ground element, including the Radio Operator.

Points of interest:
Point Eagle - Galati FOB, our stating point.
Point Vulture and Buzzard - Will be reconnoitered and potentially assaulted by air.
Point Falcon - An old abandoned runway.
Point Hawk - The village of Oreokastro and Thronos Castle.
Point Geier - A dump site.
ARN Hydra - Navy destroyer (FARP)

The Operation is divided into four main sectors and two smaller sectors that will be cleared one by one. Sector #3 is unlikely to hold our objective due to it's distance and will be cleared last.

For the helicopter, we are promised support from the navy in the form of a Forward arming and refueling point (FARP) aboard a destroyer, if this falls through we will have to set up our own FARP at Point Eagle (Galati FOB).

NOTE: The helicopter has the capability to either slingload or load boxes of ammunition and other equipment, and can resupply the ground element in the field.

Modlist can be found here

Server IP:
Server Port: 2302
Password: FBM
TS address:
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Directive from AAF High Command
Usage of heavy calibers in built up areas is banned during coin and peacekeeping operations.
The rule applies to any calliber above 12.7mm, (including 12.7mm rotary guns) Exceptions to this are the following:
  • A town or village where leaflets have been dropped telling the civilians to seek cover.
  • A town or village where there is a confirmed rebel hideout. (Collateral damage should still be avoided where possible)
  • Man portable rocket systems and single fire 40mm grenades. (Crew served weapons are not an exception)
Execution of enemy combatants is also banned. You are not required to give immediate medical aid if the situation does not permit doing so, but zip-ties or handcuffs should be used over bullets. prisoners and informants are important to the COIN effort.
As the de facto ground element leader, I must protest the ROEs. They endanger our troops for no actual battlefield benefit. Most of our intel comes from destroyed insurgents, not the civilians, nor the captured insurgents. There were some unfortunate incidents of misidentifying civilians and insurgents, but there were also incidents of friendly fire which were not discussed. Wounded insurgents get up and shoot at us. We are the Army, not the Police or social services. From now on, my unit is destroying everything it sees, with no regard for the ROE.

As far as radio is concerned, long range radio stations can be shared, so one guy can carry the radio, while the other talks on it.
As the de facto ground element leader, I must protest the ROEs. They endanger our troops for no actual battlefield benefit. Most of our intel comes from destroyed insurgents, not the civilians, nor the captured insurgents. There were some unfortunate incidents of misidentifying civilians and insurgents, but there were also incidents of friendly fire which were not discussed. Wounded insurgents get up and shoot at us. We are the Army, not the Police or social services. From now on, my unit is destroying everything it sees, with no regard for the ROE.

What point exactly is it you have trouble with, bringing a drone along to drop leaflets before an assault commences is not a big hindrance, and the drone doubles as a scouting tool. Just assign someone as a drone operator. That ROE is in lace to mostly avoid needles use of HE munitions in built up areas when it's not necessary.
As for executions i should probably specify it a bit more, It is more to stop immersion breaking executions after a battle. At range you fire until the target is no longer a threat (dead, surrendered, etc) but up close there is no reason to not just cuff the rebel rather than merging a bullet with their brain.

Most of our intel comes from destroyed insurgents, not the civilians, nor the captured insurgents.
I wonder why that is. :unsure:

Edit: If i could edit the mission without loosing our progress i would add an event handler that makes the ai surrender if they gain consciousness and is within 30m of a player.
Make sure to start the game before joining Teamspeak - to let ACRE 2 install all the necessary things. Then you will have to disable Taskforce plugin and enable ACRE 2 plug in. @DoubleD
Should probably also change some ACRE settings/keybinds, but that can be done at the briefing.
Pilot, Squad Leader, Radio Operator, Medic? ACE medical? Taskforce vs ACRE2? Special keybinds?

Yikes. Might be too much hassle for a noob like me.

@Concord You already are familiar with all the features, and you are doing fine. It's mostly for DoubleD, since he didn't transition to ACRE 2 with us.
Pilot, Squad Leader, Radio Operator, Medic? ACE medical? Taskforce vs ACRE2? Special keybinds?
Yikes. Might be too much hassle for a noob like me.
Unless you are planning on volunteering for the pilot or radioman i don't think there will be anything new.
Unless you are planning on volunteering for the pilot or radioman i don't think there will be anything new.
I think pilot would be best. That way I can wipe the whole team.
Although, I did some practice yonks ago for one of DoubleD's missions. I wasn't bad for a noob (not fact checked).

@Concord You already are familiar with all the features, and you are doing fine. It's mostly for DoubleD, since he didn't transition to ACRE 2 with us.
Don't try and reassure me Aurelius goddamnit! :p
Actually, mission accomplished. Morale restored. De facto team leader - level-up! I'll try and make it.
I'm making my family nachos for dinner Sunday, but I'll start early. They know my Sunday nights are FGM/FBM nerd nights. :alien:
I had a quick play, including joined TS. The radio notice popped up, but no radio open/close mic noise. I hope this is an install issue

I need my, CRZZK!, 'Concord, Double, we need Wombat sandwiches NOW!, Over'... SQUEEK, CRZZK! or I'll have an emo tantrum
It does work on the server, not sure if it works in single player, the server needs to accept B64 files, i have fixed that on the FBM server.
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