Latest Club News from Bootie

Some updates on stats.

At least NZ ain't white, we just feature, Yah for McIVAN and WiGAM. lol
Who's living in Africa and browsing our site? Any troops curently deployed there?
I wonder who's browsing from Lybia and Iran?

Probably the Arabic Secret Service (tm) checking if we a) portray the Iranian Army in an unbecoming way in our ArmA2 campaign and b) if we're planning and training for the invasion of Syria (or the general Middle East) with CMSF. :biggrin1:
Hi Bootie,

Interesting satistics. What's next ? A break down by States ??

I must be the only one from the republic of Ireland logging on.
Hi Bootie,
Interesting satistics. What's next ? A break down by States ??

I compiled this list some time ago-

but it's difficult to keep it updated because new members sometimes don't specify what state (or even country) they're in.
So if anybody who's not on the list wants to be on it, mail me your screenname, your location and any other details you feel like giving, and i'll edit you into the list..:)- pooroldspike-at-aol-dotcom
Guys..... Im sad to announce our downloads section has had to be removed. The guy who was doing all the work on the product sadly passed away in April and despite the product working fine until this time it has now come to a point where the new site software does not integrate with the Links Download Manager programme. Sorry to all you guys who used it. From now on we will not have a download section here at the FGM.
It was a guy from He passed away from cancer in April. He had devoted so much time to this download programme and keeping it updated all the time that no one noticed for a while until it stopped working... so goes the way of internet communication. I will be adding a link to the top menu taking you to the mods warehouse in time.... we will have no upload section of our own but for scenarios you can add them to a post as an attachment and for mods you can post a link to the mod warehouse where you upload it. :)
Incidentally when Bootie's not here, he asks me to keep an eye on the shop (put the cat out, run the mop over the floor, flick a duster over the mantelpiece etc) and do general FGM housekeeping duties such as moving old irrelevant posts to the Storage Section out of sight in the FGM back room so they don't clutter the forums up.
For example if Charlie or Harry posted asking for opponents weeks ago and got some replies, i storage the posts because they've now become dead wood and there's no reason for them to stay up.
I also storage potentially explosive posts about religion, politics and member disputes etc to keep the peace; heck I even sometimes storage my own posts because I've been as guilty as anybody in the past!
We don't totally ban all mention of religion and politics, we can't do that because we're a military discussion club, and as religion and politics are often closely bound up with wars and conflicts we can't just airbrush them out and pretend they don't exist, but what Bootie and me can do is Storage such posts if they might start trouble, and not let them run on out of control as we've done in the past.
2011 is therefore going to be a lot more peaceful..:)

Incidentally, Storaging a post doesn't mean it's deleted, your post count won't drop and it will still count towards promotion.
Also, if at any time you notice a post of yours has vanished and you can't understand why, just contact me (or go over my head to Bootie, I don't mind) and we'll explain.
And if you don't agree with it being storaged, just lodge an appeal and if we change our minds we'll re-post it back in the forum for you.

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