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ARMA III custom campaign?


Dutch Grenadier

Can anyone recomend a cool SP custom campaign? And where can I find it?
Great news. I've updated all my stuff and I can play MP!!! YeeY
No game this weekend but next weekend looks to be really interesting.
That would be great. Is there a way to use the weapons of today? Liker the M4, the SAW, M249 or an M14?
If you scroll down to the very bottom of the Armaholic page Vart linked to, you'll see a "Click Here to Download" link. There isn't a campaign included with RHS, and I haven't seen any user made ones come out yet. There are a handful of SP missions included with the mod you can play, though.
I've donwloaded the mod. I have unpacked it in my steamapp/common/addons but then what?
How can I tell it is installed correct?
You don't need to put them in the Addons folder. Just put them in the main Arma 3 folder like so:

You'll then have to activate them. A few ways you can do this. You can do it in-game via the expansions selection on the main menu. Just check which mods you want enabled and restart Arma. Or, you can use a mod manager to activate/deactivate mods. A lot of the guys here use Play With Six, which is a one stop shop where you can download the mods, manage them and launch the game all from the same program. It will also automatically update the mods you have downloaded when an update for them comes out. I prefer to update manually (old habits die hard), so I use a mod manager called Arma3Sync. Here's Double's welcoming post to Lefty that should also help you get started as well. If you need help with any of the mod installations, just let us know and we'll be happy to help!

Edited to add: don't let the amount of mods in my folder scare you. Half of it is stuff we don't use at FGM.
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Thanks mate! I'll try this tomorrow morning. I'm off to a friend to play the Market Garden board game :)
All mods needed are installed accept RHS. I have downloaded only not with PWS. How canI install it with PWS?