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Birthday Time

I guess you've had a great day, you old Canadian wolf. Brotherly hug from here below.:p
@Louis, many thanks Bro. (y)

Actually, the party won't be until tomorrow, which just so happens to also be my wife's birthday. The kids got us tickets to see the Cirque du Soleil show, so I'm looking forward to crossing that off the bucket list.

(On a side note, and how life can sometimes be surprising. As I noted above, my wife and I were born two days apart, but also in the same hospital and as it happens we both ended up eventually living in the same general area of the city. As her mother tongue was French and mine was English, we attended different schools etc growing up, but we none-the-less ended up having many mutual acquaintances in common throughout our early adult lives. Yet we still never met or knew of each other during that time. Both of us had even gone on group ski trips to the same mountains at the same time and still never crossed paths. Until one fateful day :) we eventually met at a friends party. I was originally not going to attend but changed my mind at the last moment and ended up going, ...it was there I saw her again for the 'first' time, asked her to dance, she turned me down, I turned on the charm, she relented and the rest they say is history. ;)

Given that back in the day, Mothers and their newborns typically spent a good few days in the hospital after birth, we very likely spent those first days on earth bawling our hearts out in the hospital nursery together and I often tell her that I was actually checking out her out back then during diaper change and had made a note to catch up to her later in life...:LOL:

It's around then that she reminds me that her being the younger of the two :rolleyes:, she will likely end up checking me out when I'm back to wearing diapers o_O

This year will be 40 years together.)

And again, thanks all for the birthday wishes.
