CM:N bones . . .

Yup, it's going forward. We have a lot to look forward to!
Looking forward to this, hopefully it is like our CMX1 titles, with a paint job...
It will be a lot more realistic and much tougher to master. Hopefully much more rewarding as well.
If my systems currently runs CM x1 with no problems wil this also run or am I going to have to re engineer a new system
You'll need a pretty good system to run the new CM engine properly - meaning: 2GB of RAM minimum is a very good idea and your graphics card shouldn't be much older than 2 years.
I would not get to hot and heavy about this yet...There is always piles of bugs to work out on the first release of anything. I will give it a year of testing with people that have more money then me.
I don't expect it to have too many bugs (if at all), but there'll always be some things that won't work as expected or just aren't there - biggest one being the greatly increased realism. CM is no 'simple' wargame anymore, but becoming a full-fledged simulation. Therefore I recommend trying the demo before buying the game unseen.
I looked at Battlefront site for luck in finding it...any help?
No demo until later Bob, as far as we know...Its about 2/3's done...

We'll see what happens...I really hope the systems specs aren't too much...I'd be pretty disappointed in BF for doing something that ludicrous.
I would also urge caution surrounding the gameplay. CMSF is a very different animal to to CMAK etc..

I've just started playing CMSF so I can start to get to grips with the game before the Normandy version comes out. However I'm finding the transition very difficult, with my troops getting wiped out very easily. If this continues I think I'll have to start considering reading the manual.
NO!!!..... get ahold of yourself man, anything but reading da rules. Think happy thoughts....
Well, modern automatic weapons tend to be a lot deadlier than those in WW2 and modern tanks even more so. After all, CMSF portrays modern weapon systems while CM:N will not - so don't worry. A lot of features will of course be the same because it's the same engine like 1:1 representation and handling of vehicle damage.
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