CM reinstall gone wrong

Need some help, guys. Have a Help Desk Ticket in but have yet to hear anything.

I just bought an ASUS ROG laptop. I downloaded the CM games using the Combat Mission Upgrade 4 Big Bundle. I see there is two sets of files, one for the full install and one for the upgrade. I downloaded and unzipped the full install for each game to my external hard drive. I tried to unzip them to the laptop and then install. They all installed without a problem. But when I try to start the game or the activation program it goes to a CM.exe error. I cannot even bring up a flash screen or anything.

I then tried these same files on my home PC in which I had deleted CM a couple months ago. They all installed fine and also I was able to play without reactivating any of them.

The only one that I had a flash of hope on the laptop was Black Sea. I did get it to install and activate but then I started screwing around with the display settings and screwed something up. I uninstalled and then tried again but now keep getting the error above.

I am hoping this is just a case of clearing out my activations. Does anyone have any insight or help on this?

The fact that the same installs work on one machine and not the other means I would focus on the troublesome machine itself. Start with the obvious - Windows updates, video driver updates. But a very likely cause is anti virus. What AV are you using on that machine?

Also Win10 has no trouble with installing CM wherever you want - I never install to the default location and never have a problem.