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CMBS Battle or QuickBattle - Closed


FGM New Member
Jan 7, 2024
Reaction score
Bucharest, Romania
Hello! I'm looking for an opponent for a battle or quick battle in CMBS. I prefer attack/defend missions rather than meeting engagements, but I'm flexible. I've recently seen on YT some videos of people playing mirror matches, two games running at the same time, with both players playing both attack and defense on the same map, and I like the idea. Even tried it in CMBN, it works pretty nicely.

I wouldn't want to go past a medium sized force, as this would be my first h2h game in CMBS. I could also use some help with setting up the game itself:)). If a newbie such as myself wants to face me tho, we can learn together how to set up the game.
Hey, I've played a lot of BS in single player, but never h2h. I'm not quite sure what you meant by 'mirror match' but I'm all for a smaller h2h match to get my feet wet. Msg me if it sounds good?

Edit, after many months I've finally gotten automatic PBEM to work, so I can do that too