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Combat Mission: TTP



I've been working on a new video project in my spare time.
I'm trying to make a series for Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures. Meant to provide both new, and old Combat Mission players with a common core of knowledge to draw upon.
I've incorporated my new videos into the old YouTube playlist, I had posted Jeffrey Paulding's video.

I've started a thread on the Battlefront Forums:

I appreciate any and all feedback. My goal is to make a high quality source of knowledge using whatever resources are available.
@Odin When in doubt, concentrate your armor to be flanked and destroyed by Enven's forces (should add a sidenote :))
Well, the basic tactical unit for armor is the platoon, so advising people to operate their tanks in small groups is realistic doctrine. It'll be a long time before I even start covering armored fighting vehicles in my own series, so any bits I can bring in as a stopgap are welcome.