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Curious What do you feel

Personally if i'm taking a whipping, my turn rate speeds up so I can finish the bloody game as quick as possible and put it behind me..;)
And not only does my return rate speed up if i know i'm beat, but I also tend to let the AI play out the rest of the game for me, just skipping through the turns rather than having to waste any more time and brainpower moving my units and stuff..:)
In fact one of the disadvantages of playing huge long games is that if you know you've lost it, you still have to play out the remaining 40 turns or whatever. (yawn)
(I know we could always surrender, but that means we'd be handing our opponent extra victory points,so we have to play to the end, grrr...)
I like small short 2000-size/ 20+ turns games best, so even if you know you're going to lose, at least it won't drag out forever..:)
Yes I believe the precieved thing is that it drops...but I wonder how much the feeling of winning magnifies the slower return rate or an unchanged rate of return. One has to agree when winning we want to see it through thick or thin. When loosing it is a bitter pill to choke down. Usally I don't return to you on weekends because you say have a good weekend...I feel that is like signing off, to go away or something. You know you old guys have to sleep alot.
I think our games are a roller coaster of the moto..." The thrill of victory and the agony of defeat" turn by turn.
Yes I believe the precieved thing is that it drops...but I wonder how much the feeling of winning magnifies the slower return rate or an unchanged rate of return. One has to agree when winning we want to see it through thick or thin. When loosing it is a bitter pill to choke down. Usally I don't return to you on weekends because you say have a good weekend...I feel that is like signing off, to go away or something. You know you old guys have to sleep alot.
I think our games are a roller coaster of the moto..." The thrill of victory and the agony of defeat" turn by turn.

That's considerate of you numbers, one of my high lites is playing a lot of CM only sleeping at night mate.....
