FGM ViKings Battles!


FGM Captain
Apr 21, 2012
Reaction score
Raid on Seville 844AD

In the year 844AD, the Vikings set-sail from Noirmoutier on the Loire river estuary in France. Our hero's sailed with the Viking fleet, composed of allies of Hastein and Bjorn Ironside, at first plundering, Asturias, but later after suffering heavy losses by its ruler, the Christian King, Ramiro, they sailed southward to plunder the Atlantic coast.

After a few skirmishes with the Muslims, they took the city of Lisbon, before moving on to raid further south, the towns of Cadiz, Medina Sidonia and Algeciras. the fleet sailed on and was heard to have raided as far as Asilah in Morocco.

The Vikings then laid siege on Seville. After its fall, and hearing of the plundering, Abd ar-Rahman II mobilized his forces under the leadership of his hajib Isa ibn Shuhayd. He summoned nearby governors to gather their men. They assembled in Córdoba, and over the next few days were able to defeat the Vikings.

Many commanders of the Vikings were killed and at least 400 were captured – many of whom were hanged from the palm-trees of Talyata. The remaining Vikings retreated to their vessels and sailed down river while the inhabitants of the surrounding countryside pelted them with stones. Soon, the Vikings offered to trade the plunder and prisoners they had taken in exchange for clothes, food, and unhindered downriver journey. After that, they re-joined the rest of the fleet on the coast.

The question is whether Óláfr Tryggvasun, Badger Bjarkison, Eagle eyed ellianson and Nelson the meddlesome made it back to their ships and the coast!

Vikings 790-899AD verse Andalusian 756-1049AD, Mediterranean Hilly... sides out tomorrow

Well... Óláfr Tryggvasun, Badger Bjarkison, Eagle eyed ellianson and Nelson the Meddlesome supped the last of their mead.
As Mead was only for special occasions such as rituals and feasts, this occasion, being maybe their last … there was no holding back.

Then out came the die...
Óláfr Tryggvasun threw a three, Badger Bjarkison a six... the shock made him blurt out his mead down his beard!
Eagle eyed Ellianson a four and Nelson the Meddlesome a three.

Well... Óláfr Tryggvasun, immediately grabbed the dice cursed Loki and threw a one.
The others roared with laughter and Eagle eyed Ellianson fell off bench.

Nelson the Meddlesome shook the cup and threw a two, then he had a sly smile that beamed.

The rush for the coast was on!

......………..Sides ……………………………. Vikings Vs ........Andalusian

(@olaf ) …………...Óláfr Tryggvasun ...vs Badger73
(@Badger73 ) ….Badger Bjarkison ..vs Wellianson
(@Wellsonian ) ..Eagle eyed Ellianson ...vs Nelson (Archie)
(@Nelson1812) .Nelson the meddlesome ..vs Olaf (schmolywar)

Vikings Set-up
Vikings 790-899AD verse Andalusian 756-1049AD, Mediterranean hilly

Stories and pictures welcome!
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Eagle Eyed Ellianson men were not surprised when Nelson army of silk, barred their progress to the coast!

As they rumbled forward, shuffling in the hot September sun... with fear and dust filling the air, in the midst of the front rank Mo Nelson in his best white flowing robe... commented

"Yep, glad we got the call-up today... the Mother-in-laws, were due to turn up for tea today... should have stuck with one wife, just hate the sour grapes when they all turn up together...
glad to be out of there, and here in with my buddies!"
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As the battle progresses the Muslim cavalry charge out onto the left flank from the woods, the infantry hold most the tree line in front of the Vikings.
On the right flank the archers continue to see off the berserkers!
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Óláfr Tryggvasun vs Badger73 - 21 - 49. Óláfr Tryggvasun victory
Nelson the meddlesome vs Olaf - 40 - 7. Olaf victory

Made it back to the ships!!

Nelson the meddlesome however......
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