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Latest Club News from Bootie

Always thought the games played icons were just a waste of space and resources. Now that no one cares about their demise once again mTk is proven
correct. :p

I always liked how the Game Icons provided a quick understanding of what games a member might play but I will not quibble with mTk's proofs of wisdom nor correctness . . . ;)

I want my sig back though. <snipped>
Me too; if, when, and ever.

The cronjob has just run and this is the list of deleted users: Scipio, Enven, Bill, Hang Fire, Mauser GDog, silentotto41, Coaxial_Puppet, Examiner2, monomaco, Earl of Grey, DoC844, Kevinkin, Coolbreeze, Herboski, Mr_Centipede, Ivan Zaitzev, Neutral Party, George Smiley, Erdeljanus, Gamma, reliqmortis, Abdolmartin, broskiier, panzermeister247, Keppler, DraconianPL, Whiplash, Falke88, Andrin, Hunter_Gathers, Euri, KreuzritterJ, oddball, GhostRider3/3, Giovanni, Gazmaps, Juste86, tiagoamorim, Yomper, Karl Smith, Lt.Chris, Dash-L, The Spider, Han Solo, Bert, djwallace, Apparatchik, hydradcs, Tinman, Bleudeath., Tinhead, racingcadiz

@Ithikial lot of these guys are on the ladder.