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Left in Silence... Back for Duty



Hey guys,

it's been awhile since some of you have heard from me.
It's a shame I left all of you without saying anything, especially @Concord and @Shorker at that time.

I want to apologize for my sudden disappearance to all of you, and as I said especially to @Concord @Shorker and the BrigadeBattle Axis and Allied teams.

I had a rough time in my personal life with my grandmother being very sick at that time I left (Dementia) around July/August last year.

She also passed away that year which had given my family and mostly my mother financial and psychological problems.

We kinda got these problems fixed and now i felt the need to apologize for my behavior and start playing my loved CM again with this awesome community.

I hope you guys still welcome me after I left some of you in the cold rain.

Cheers Panzerknacker
Aufrichtiges Beileid, Panzerknacker! Demenz ist immer eine wirklich üble Sache. Und wenn es dann hart auf hart kommt, alles andere sich irgendwie falsch anfühlt, kann man eben nicht einfach mal spielen oder lustig sein. Dann braucht man eben Zeit für sich, die Familie und den Betroffenen. Ich denke, das versteht jeder. Also willkommen zurück! Und hoffentlich heilt die Zeit wirklich alle Wunden!

Sincere condolences, Panzerknacker! Dementia is always a really bad thing. And when the going gets tough and everything else feels wrong, one can't just play or be funny. One needs time for oneself, the family and the person with dementia. I think everyone understands that. So welcome back! And hopefully time really heals all wounds!

I'm a new guy here so you don't know me but a heartfelt welcome back from me. I'm glad things are going better for you.
Here's to The Few Good Men!