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Line of Sight vs Line of Fire Isuues - Links to threads



Greetings all,

This is a bunch of links to threads on BattleFronts Forums discussing ongoing issues/problems/Frequently discussed issues. Multiple thanks for @A Canadian Cat for these links and it's all his work. I stole it and I'm not sorry! (Well I am but I got permission to steal :))

I'm placing them here as starting points for peoples start to searching for solutions/discussions.

Basic Problem - Well you can't see to area fire, but MIGHT be able to see the unit later - WHy see page 3ish for official comments
LOS through trees - It can be weird
Spotting cycle explanation - what it says
IFV Spotting - plus some other stuff about fighting from AFV's

You may have to plough some other stuff and occasional bitching but this will get you some useful info (Much better than you usually get from Zinzan)