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Medical Problems Warning

Hello fellas, all was fine and well, and lefting some pain that tramadol is perfectly controlling, with next hours Im backing to home, but this week, I still have difficults to seat normally, them will be backing with easy forwarding some Cm games as possible.

Im lefting any game that I have to accomplish with tied dead lines and dally turn rates, I have to back to work and will have a lot of issues from real life to deal, them I need to be finishing with easy all my current games.

that´s it guys. Thx for all your understand and good wishes.
Glad to hear you have done well...don't worry about sitting...you will get more work done standing anyway.
Good to hear you're doing ok ... as a matter of fact, you are kicking my butt in Commander Great War :eek:

after playing this with AI for more them a year and played against you 3 times before, I have to learn some tricks :)
@Facman Yo dude, guys, Im off CM games, for some time ahead, go on and happy hunt. Can´t play CM turns until now,

I have a lot of work to do, with my stops and no CM for me I think with next moth again
Do you want to quit on our ongoing game? For me it`s fine to wait, but if you (maybe) think this one is already lost we can stop it right now...
Do you want to quit on our ongoing game? For me it`s fine to wait, but if you (maybe) think this one is already lost we can stop it right now...

I wanna continue all my old games. But not right now. But if you want finish it no problem mate.
I definitely want to continue! It is no problem at all having to wait. Take your time and we will see us sometime in the future on the Battlefield :). Now I know I maybe make some notes what my plans for this battle are. I tend to totally forget what I wanted to achieve and what enemy troops I encountered so far. Guess I am getting older :)