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Next Engine upgrade list for those who love the WWII titles for Battlefront...

The Great White North

FGM Colour Sergeant
Feb 2, 2022
Reaction score
Winnipeg, Canada
Hi ok I'm pulling the trigger here and thought I'd start this thread of a wish list for any future upgrades to the Battlefront series of WW II Titles... Please feel free to chime in with your own!

I'll give this thread some time to let members contribute then I plan on sending it as a request to Battlefront directly. I'm sure there is a member here that has batter access to them than me so if it's you please PM me!


1- Ability to choose force purchase point adjustments in QB's for BOTH SIDES not only the Attacker
2- Ability for Engineers to have teams that can place mines in game AT and AP
3- Ability for Engineers to clear destroyed vehicles off bridges and road ways as well as anti tank hedgehogs
4- Motorcycles as a vehicle purchase option Axis and Allied
5- Additional points modifier for defenders to use for defensive installation purchases only outside of the fighting force total purchase points
6- Fallen trees as a defence option for roads ect...
7- Ability for Airborne troops in the German purchase screen like the Allies have
8- Mortar half tracks available in the single veh purchase screen
9- Keep the CAS function intact for CMRT I find it interesting that the only CM WWII Title that the Germans can afford it and they decide yah NO you don't get to manage it like all the other titles you can't afford CAS

I'm sure I'm not the first to propose this my apologies for not searching for it but if I'm out to lunch with the general concept of the request from someone who knows how approachable Battlefront is to changes and upgrades please PM me with any insights or suggestions please.

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My engine wishlist would include everything that enables Battlefront to get into the early war again, most favorable Africa and early Ostfront. :D

Be IT in module form for existing games or standalone ones.

Other than that would be:

1) A communication system for their new pbem++ system.
At the Moment you have No Option to talk to your oponent If you only play via pbem++. Slitherine wont give you the e-mail (obviously) and If your opponents doesnt happen to be in one of the Forums you are screwed.

2) A replay function where you either would get access to the opponents turns after a battle is finished or you can watch the entire Battle in one big Video while seeing both Sides. Just Like in the Game doorkickers for example.

3) Movement/Engagement delays.
Call me an oldtimer but I liked the way commands were handeled in the old games.
You Always had some Kind of time delay before an order was taken out.

If Units had a Radio close by and/or their commanding officer, this delay was rather Low while IT would be high If Radio contact was lost or the Platoon hq got killed.

I would add that feature for area firing too.

Of course depending in the state the unit is in (cautious, pinned,shaken) this could Go higher as well.

I know this would probably confuse real time Players but I would Like to see this in a kind of difficulty Option that you could activate If you want.

This feature would at least make radios and c2 that much more important.

And yeah I know that this Most likely will Not be implemented in the CMx2 Games in any way but one might Just dream about it. :)
yes , i subscribe to your line item 1 .
"1) A communication system for their new pbem++ system.
At the Moment you have No Option to talk to your oponent If you only play via pbem++. Slitherine wont give you the e-mail (obviously) and If your opponents doesnt happen to be in one of the Forums you are screwed."
My engine wishlist would include everything that enables Battlefront to get into the early war again, most favorable Africa and early Ostfront. :D

Be IT in module form for existing games or standalone ones.

Other than that would be:

1) A communication system for their new pbem++ system.
At the Moment you have No Option to talk to your oponent If you only play via pbem++. Slitherine wont give you the e-mail (obviously) and If your opponents doesnt happen to be in one of the Forums you are screwed.

2) A replay function where you either would get access to the opponents turns after a battle is finished or you can watch the entire Battle in one big Video while seeing both Sides. Just Like in the Game doorkickers for example.

3) Movement/Engagement delays.
Call me an oldtimer but I liked the way commands were handeled in the old games.
You Always had some Kind of time delay before an order was taken out.

If Units had a Radio close by and/or their commanding officer, this delay was rather Low while IT would be high If Radio contact was lost or the Platoon hq got killed.

I would add that feature for area firing too.

Of course depending in the state the unit is in (cautious, pinned,shaken) this could Go higher as well.

I know this would probably confuse real time Players but I would Like to see this in a kind of difficulty Option that you could activate If you want.

This feature would at least make radios and c2 that much more important.

And yeah I know that this Most likely will Not be implemented in the CMx2 Games in any way but one might Just dream about it. :)
Be nice if the PBEM ++ system was available for Mac OS
yes , i subscribe to your line item 1 .
"1) A communication system for their new pbem++ system.
At the Moment you have No Option to talk to your oponent If you only play via pbem++. Slitherine wont give you the e-mail (obviously) and If your opponents doesnt happen to be in one of the Forums you are screwed."
Not even an option for Mac OS users....