Non-Political Political Post

I'm posting this, not as a political comment, but simply out of my personal admiration for our (U.S.) soon to be new Supreme Court Justice.
Her performance in front of the Confirmation Hearing Committee was something to behold. How she managed a straight face and perfect demeanor while fending off
downright stupid and offense questioning would have been waay beyond my capabilities. So, a (y) for Amy Coney Barrett.
And, if nothing else, Ben Shapiro is always entertaining.
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Non-Political Political Post​


I'm posting this, not as a political comment, but simply out of my personal admiration for our (U.S.) soon to be new Supreme Court Justice.
Her performance in front of the Confirmation Hearing Committee was something to behold. How she managed a straight face and perfect demeanor while fending off
downright stupid and offense questioning would have been waay beyond my capabilities. So, a (y) for Amy Coney Barrett.
And, if nothing else, Ben Shapiro is always entertaining.
Yeah, she's very impressive. Did you notice all her kids were very well behaved as well. I would say there are a whole group of people that resent and fear the morality she lives by. It starts with personal responsibility and she exudes it in droves. This country could use a few more just like her.
From a purely psychological viewpoint, I'm surprised and baffled by how many people have been conducting themselves.
I see it occurring all over the world and across a range of demographics and job roles.
A seeming lack of professionalism and objectivity. We need more intellect and wisdom, less emotion and posturing eh? :rolleyes:
From a purely psychological viewpoint, I'm surprised and baffled by how many people have been conducting themselves.
I see it occurring all over the world and across a range of demographics and job roles.
A seeming lack of professionalism and objectivity. We need more intellect and wisdom, less emotion and posturing eh? :rolleyes:
I once read an article where they did a study in which they found that email made people dumber. Now add social media to the equation and you get outright stupidity. Are you really surprised?
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As far as the general populous goes, there's always been a percentage of stupid or ignorant people.
Maybe they are just more visible now. Hey, at first I thought flat-earthers were only joking around.
But I am astounded by the number of morons in positions of power these days (and not just political positions either).

Why is it happening?
Lower education standards in many countries maybe? A lack of personal discipline?
Hidden agendas and corruption which would explain decisions which on the surface defy logic and sense?
Societies that encourage worship of ego and emotion, which lead to childish actions and comments?
A focus on your own wants at the expense of empathy and community?
Maybe all of the above. Still a bit of a mystery to me.

Although morons seem to be promoted and get the spotlight, not everyone is daft. Just seems that way sometimes. :)
Unfortunately @Concord much like bad news getting all the attention, well thought out, reasoned arguments with solid evidence to back it is drowned out by idiotic screeching, and think about it, if you see someone making a fool of themselves you're more likely to share it with friends as a 'check out this idiot' moment, but coming across the former you might read it, understand it, think 'yeah makes sense', and then move on.

As I've said in the past, I have zero faith in our media outlets for promoting exactly this kind of thing - it's not about objective reporting anymore, it's about getting the story out there first, facts be damned. And if you can beat up the story to get more views, so much the better.
Why is it happening?
Lower education standards in many countries maybe? A lack of personal discipline?
Hidden agendas and corruption which would explain decisions which on the surface defy logic and sense?
Societies that encourage worship of ego and emotion, which lead to childish actions and comments?
A focus on your own wants at the expense of empathy and community?

I think all your point are link to the educational system.
For me, educational is the key.
Education is part of it, but I think people are generally ruder than they used to be and are aggressive about it. This is a result of no consequences for your actions and children are not taught that anymore. I distinctly remember my father spanking me in public to the approving glances of other parents because I misbehaved in a store. I deserved that punishment. Try that nowadays and someone will call the cops and you'll be arrested for child abuse and if there's a video it will go viral and your boss will fire you and you will be an international pariah of sorts, roundly chastised online for being a child abuser. So we aren't teaching kids that there are bad consequences for bad actions, they only get good consequences when they do something even marginally acceptable and no negative consequences when they do something wrong. Instead, we get excuses and they blame some external influence. And after three to four generations of that "parenting" and "teaching", we are reaping what we have sown over the last few generations.
Education is part of it, but I think people are generally ruder than they used to be and are aggressive about it. This is a result of no consequences for your actions and children are not taught that anymore. I distinctly remember my father spanking me in public to the approving glances of other parents because I misbehaved in a store. I deserved that punishment. Try that nowadays and someone will call the cops and you'll be arrested for child abuse and if there's a video it will go viral and your boss will fire you and you will be an international pariah of sorts, roundly chastised online for being a child abuser. So we aren't teaching kids that there are bad consequences for bad actions, they only get good consequences when they do something even marginally acceptable and no negative consequences when they do something wrong. Instead, we get excuses and they blame some external influence. And after three to four generations of that "parenting" and "teaching", we are reaping what we have sown over the last few generations.
This should be etched in stone in some prominent and very public place, for all to see.
I've been thinking about this some more, and I don't think the current 'fad' of extraordinary stupidity and shallowness is age related or related to generations.
I know people from teens to mid 80's, and there is no clear correlation or pattern regarding wisdom or common sense.

Education seems to be a factor, especially in regards to general knowledge about the world, but doesn't explain everything.
Genetics and demographics don't explain everything either. No clear pattern.

I've got my money on a new horse and a very old one.
The 'old horse' is corruption. Strange decisions by governments and corporations probably have their (hidden) roots in greed. Power and wealth.

The newer one may be the internet. Specifically the trend over the last 10 years or so for being seen, being heard, being praised and the endorphins they release.
The sense of euphoria, or outrage. The feelings associated with being desirable, being seen as virtuous, or strong. Insert any ego stimulation word here.
The feeling of belonging to a tribe of like minded people. Tribalism is a potent psychological factor - us and them. Sport, politics, religion.
People basing their existence and world view on a skewed, shallow framework that doesn't look at the bigger picture or go beyond their own desires.

Perhaps it's created a new world of addicts - and an addict is the last person you'd expect to act in a rational way.
Meh. Maybe I'm just clutching at straws here. Interesting topic though.
A new world of addicts is exactly what we have @Concord.

It's no coincidence that the epidemic rise of mental illness coincides with the rise of social media and its integration into our lives, while personally I don't see technology as a bad thing, I see how for some people, many people even, it's extremely addictive and far too much value is placed upon what people think of us rather than doing what is right, what people think of us be damned.
Consider that in the past 20-30 years much has been placed on the whole 'every child is special' idea pushed in the schools, a noble idea but a misguided one, every child may be unique but this is not the same as special, constantly giving children undeserved praise makes for weak and needy children in constant need of validation, and those children in need of constant validation will eventually grow into adults in constant need of validation.
It's little wonder that this same generation are attracted to social media and its constant endorphin hits known as 'likes'. Validation, for anything, even posting about nothing of importance, is what drives this craze. If they can latch onto a cause that makes them feel good, that is also validation, young people desperately want to belong to something, and it doesn't really matter what it is so long as they are surrounded by those of like mind.

As for the root cause of all this? Was it the idea of government to create a weak and needy population? They would certainly be easier to control.... but I'm not sure I have enough faith in our successive governments to have the ability to see a plan like this to success.
Best place for me is behind the camera.....
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