[PIC GALLERY] Mishaps, Offbeat & Random Images


Wreck of Francis Chichesters Gipsy Moth in Japan after flying into cables just after takeoff in 1931, he survived with broken arm and concussion.
In their hospital he was overwhelmed by their kindness, a constant stream of local citizens called to visit him and bring him gifts etc.

Ex-WW2 tank commander Archbishop of Canterbury Robert Runcie poses with his new gargoyle at St Albans Abbey, England 1979

Nah it's true, scroll down- http://www.stalbansmuseums.org.uk/What-s-on/News-from-St-Albans-Museums

"He earned a commission in the Scots Guards during World War II, serving as a tank commander and earning the Military Cross for two feats of bravery in March 1945: he rescued one of his men from a crippled tank under heavy enemy fire, and the next day took his own tank into an exceptionally exposed position in order to knock out three anti-tank guns. As a result, he is unique among modern Archbishops of Canterbury in having personally killed fellow human beings"
