Schoolboy Error!!

  • Thread starter The Fisher King
  • Start date

The Fisher King

I'm still getting used to the graphics of CM:BN as the following mistake shows.

I had moved an MG on to a high piece of ground to cover the approach of the enemy. Once in position I was exploring the lines of fire, expecting him to be able to dominate the surrounding area. But no! the LOS was very poor. I couldn't understand it, was there some contours in the hill that were blocking his LOS. No, he was in a good position nestled in long grass, which surely that wasn't blocking his vision.

Then it dawned on me and I pressed Alt T.

Hey Presto he's in wood! Somewhere along the line I'd turned the trees off and hadn't noticed. Then to my horror I've now realised there's tree's all over the bloody place and the set-up I spent friggin ages pondering over was comepletely messed up!!

Oh how I did laugh...........ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Not to worry, same thing happened to me and my opponent absolutely creamed me as all my heavy weapons were stuck in trees with no LOS.
I had a problem with a Hq unit, more sqad and mg were firing through a hedge so I moved the HQ up to call down some ART fire. I could not work out why they could not see through the hedge then I realised that they were facing the wrong way !! lol
Is there a way to replay the turn so I can check out the different units?
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