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Shutting down CM:RISK campaign due to lack of interest


I still have all the original map files etc from this.
Also still have a soft spot for the CM: Risk concept.

Guess this could work if the GM just runs and plays out the orders (to keep FOW) and keep track of the map updates.

All diplomacy can then be run behind the scenes.

The players then set up their own battles and chase battle completions.

A few problems identified and possible solutions:

1. Armies get too ridiculously large & numerous

A simple supply solution could fix that:
Every region generates a set number of production points (PP's) every turn.
Before you build new armies, you need to deduct PP's from your total to keep existing armies supplied.

This should cap the size any sides forces can grow to.

2. Building battles very time-consuming

All battles are QB's that players start up themselves following a set guide of OOB's.

Maps can be pre-assigned.

Numerical advantage on the strategic map can be expressed as % advantages in the QB parameters.

No retreats -- all battles are fights to the death.

Pointless battles can be surrendered at start.

3. Maybe limit types of armies to just 2 types: Infantry & Armoured -- this can then be reflected in the QB set up guidelines.

4. QB maps

These could be pre-assigned to regions -- say 3 maps per sector --