


Good dry weather, flat ground, the tanks are PzIVH(lates), and the infantry are standard 9-man Grenadier squads.
I gave them all different types of movement orders and hit 'Go'-

At the end of the turn these were the distances covered. (Infantry circled yellow, tanks labelled white)
Note that the infantry squad on 'Slow' crawled prone, 'Move' is a walk, 'Hunt' is a shuffling crouch, 'Quick' is a jog, and 'Fast' is a run.
Infantry tire out quicker and their spotting ability worsens the faster they go.
The Assault squad split into two leapfrogging elements.

SUMMARY- The faster that units go, the poorer their spotting and accuracy becomes.
Tanks will fire on the move without stopping unless they're on 'Hunt' in which case they'll stop.
'Fast' and 'Quick' for tanks is appaently identical.
Infantry will sometimes fire while moving, and sometimes stop. They'll always stop if on 'Hunt'.
They sometimes stop when sneezing. Green troops will stop and hug the earth if someone breaks wind too loudly. -2 commanders not only stop, they just won't move forward ever and you have to send your troops ahead without him.
It's interesting how little difference there is in the amount of distance covered between Quick and Fast. The fatigue on Fast seems to be much higher.

Tanks will fire on the move without stopping unless they're on 'Hunt' in which case they'll stop.
This is something that I noticed right away. In CMBN you have the choice between moving without stopping to fire (Fast/Quick/Move) and stopping to fire without ever moving again (Hunt). There doesn't seem to be any way to command a tank to move, stop long enough to get off a good, steady shot (killing the threat), then continue moving. You can move or you can stop and kill the threat, but you can't do both. Probably not a problem in Real Time play, but a real pain in WeGo.

'Fast' and 'Quick' for tanks is apparently identical.
I wonder if the firing behavior for tanks is different in these two modes? I'll have to test and see...
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