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Watching with interest. A couple of notes that were released though...
- No flying your spaceship 'anywhere'. You'll transition I assume via loading screen to a planet rather than a seamless experience.
- It's a Bethesda game. I'll probably wait for a few patches first. :D
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Baldur's Gate 3 seems to be better. And is more popular according to Steam charts.
Old bump, and just my two cents.
Starfield isn't bad, it's just hugely over-hyped. Got it through GamePass, and spend 4-5 hours in it, and I'm certainly glad I didn't spend money on it.

To me, it's a bit like No Mans Sky. There's all these things that you can do, and all these customizations to your ship and crew that are available.
But once you get past the 'Oooh, shiny!' stage, there's a distinct lack of actual content.
Go there, kill the bad guy, go back and get your next mission.
And par for the course for modern games, there's a metric crap-ton of side-missions that you can do.
They don't actually mean anything, they're just there because developers are so scared of people being bored.
We saw it in Red Dead Redemption 2 and Far Cry 5.
God forbid that the player actually has 30 seconds without somebody offering a side-quest. or a bounty-hunter dropping in to feed the adrenaline.

Personal rating for Starfield is.....meh.
Not a bad game by any means, but the hype-train has long since left the station.
BG3 is much better, although I have my own pet peeves with that one.
They should have a perma-death feature in games, once your character dies you lose every skill upgrade and your gear, like 'The Long Dark', or getting injured really sucks that your character is incapacitated and gets a evac to base/ship or whatever and the game auto saves.
In 'The Long Dark' there's no save feature, it just saves your game when you quit to menu.
They should have a perma-death feature in games, once your character dies you lose every skill upgrade and your gear, like 'The Long Dark', or getting injured really sucks that your character is incapacitated and gets a evac to base/ship or whatever and the game auto saves.
In 'The Long Dark' there's no save feature, it just saves your game when you quit to menu.
There's a caveat to that one.
It's fine for a somewhat localized game like TLD, but it doesn't really work for an RPG.
What happens to e.g. the rest of your crew and for that matter your ship if your character dies?
And do you really expect players to grind through every level yet again, when you die?

I agree that modern games are much too afraid of killing characters, but there are practical limitations.
They should have a perma-death feature in games, once your character dies you lose every skill upgrade and your gear, like 'The Long Dark', or getting injured really sucks that your character is incapacitated and gets a evac to base/ship or whatever and the game auto saves.
In 'The Long Dark' there's no save feature, it just saves your game when you quit to menu.
A few years ago I would have agreed with you but now I'm opposed. :) Pure and simple reason is that type of game play decision means a swathe of players, like me, simply wouldn't have the time to commit to the game and make steady progress between work (grrr) and other life events. We're going to die... alot... and to be significantly punished when you may only have an hour here and there to play and then need to grind your way back each and every time means the game get put in the bottom of the digital draw.

My two cents.

As for Starfield. Played a bit of it and love the atmosphere and world. Real fun sandbox, but put it down after a while as 'nothing was happening'. It's pretty bland outside of the set pieces and story areas. And they there are no land vehicles to purchase to help explore planets has me dumbfounded. Yes, I want to pay $80 AUD for walking simulator. Wait... ARMA....
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