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Stupid and dubious...


FGM Major
Nov 7, 2009
Reaction score
...kind of business. This video is declared as a reliable defense against an attacker with a knife. I don´t know should I laughing or "kill" this idiot. It´s a shame he could establish an association here in Germany. Such fucking idiots are a disgrace and an affront for all respectable martial artists - fighter, trainer and students. Such a HARDCORE SHIT!!!


Sorry Bootie, I haven´t experience with myvideo. I can´t find the embded code. Will take a look after Training again and perhaps I´ll find it then.

Ummm..attacker tosses knife from hand to hand...jabs (over extending)...stands still...defender reacts...defender attacks...attacker (still frozen) takes no further action.

Yeah, I buy this. By the way, I am in the market for a bridge.
We had often to do with knife as I was active in the security branch. But we never did take on a knife fight without a weapon - as stick, manslyer or taser. And we came together - never alone. This was the only way to get out of this fight without serious hurts. A few less times we were short-handed and the attackers had knifes. Then there were serious hurts standard. For example: One of my workmates were holding by two guys during he kicked down a third. But the fourth he saw to late. Each of the two were holding one arm of him and the fourth were cutting his neck before other comrades could smack down the cowards. The highlight was that the attackers made a report against us. To our luck there were many witnesses and a few pictures were shot by camera. Otherwise it had could be the aggressors had got us screwed.

If I see then such self-styled "masters" I get crazy. And what should his wear? Is he thinking he is a SEAL or what? I know some guys of special units. They would "kill" him in under a second. But nobody of them would do so braggy. And how can somebody believe his fucking "technics" could work? I don´t understand how such a person get members for his company. It´s the death sentence if they using this shit on street or in combat. OK, enough or I drive home to him. - only a joke -
Well when i was a guard/ social worker in a young offenders facility here in Ontario...My co worker was attacked with a knife in the dinning room at lunch...i stepped in because she froze...the attacker then thought he would take me out first. I was amazed how much the training helped in dealing with this incident. Everything slowed to slow motion and I took him out with out a scatch to myself for a change. If practice is done time an again it will come back to your sub conscience when needed. At lease for me.