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The Sling


FGM Lieutenant General
Oct 11, 2010
Reaction score
Castelar, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina.
The sling is one of the oldest weapons of Humanity. Consists basically of two ropes or straps whose ends is attached a flexible receptacle for the projectile.
Grabbed the contraption by the other two opposite ends, turns so that the projectile acquires speed and then released a string to release, reaching this great distance and power of impact.

The materials used in construction are very diverse, traditionally leather, textile fibers, tendons, hair, etc..
The natural stone projectiles can be rounded, or worked with some precision, fired clay or sun-dried, molded lead, etc..

The origin of the sling goes back to prehistoric times, perhaps at the end of the Paleolithic, which would be used exclusively as a hunting weapon.
But the archaeological evidence of their existence longer correspond to Neolithic times, when they appear in the area of East
The Incas were familiar with the use of the sling, which he called slingshots, they spread the use of this weapon for hunting small animals or birds.

The Mapuche and diaguitas adopted this weapon through contact with the Incas. Today, it is still used in indigenous highland.

In classical times, and the famous use of David versus Goliath, the sling was used by Greeks, Carthaginians, Romans, etc.
They were famous throughout the ancient world the Balearic slingers, who were hired as mercenaries by the various armies of antiquity.
They were trained from childhood in the dexterity with a sling and had three different lengths, depending on the distance of release. He said his accuracy and power were not equal.

The use of lead shot, invented by the Greeks, the sling would make a formidable weapon, even more than the arc because of its greater power and scope of impact, this was added the small size of the projectiles, which were able to penetrate in the body in the way of a bullet, and just as she were invisible in the air.
As a weapon of war, the sling is still used throughout the Middle Ages, even coming to live with primitive guns.
As a tool associated with the deep grazing would be used from the Neolithic to the present.
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During the civil war the Republicans were often forced to resort to extraordinary measures to arm.
One of these stop-gap measures was the creation of specialist 'Dinamiteros' teams to make up for the paucity of modern-day grenades.
The Dinamiteros used slingshots to toss improvised explosives, often dynamite packed in metal sleeves or jam tins, at Nationalist strongpoints, vehicles and troop concentrations.


