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Wartales (Build your mercenary group and travel around the land, don't tell MeatGrinder ).

You are lagging behind. LOL
I'm having great fun with this. Estimate I am about 3/7 into it now. Spent many hours, but I am very slow with these
type of games where the developers don't put the player on a clock of any kind. There is sort of a built-in clock I guess
in that your troops must be fed everyday and depending upon the amount of mouths to be fed it can be financially significant.
So being reeel slow will cost you your Krowns.
There are a lot of good things that can be said to describe BB, but "depth" really
isn't one that comes to mind IMHO.

Haha, Terry. BB, while it may look simple at first glance, has a lot of "depth". There are *many* things to manage: crowns (money), morale (both on and off the battlefield), supplies (food, tools, ammo, etc.), relationships (both noble and town), equipment, missions, levels, deaths, injuries, legendary locations.....I could go on and on. It's a lot to juggle, believe me. Anyone who has played it for a while can tell you. Ask @Rico or @Nathangun .

The videos I post might make it look easy, but you should note


that I have 635 hours of played time, and I think my current campaign is now over the 1000 days milestone. :)
I only played it for about 50 hrs or so before I had to admit I was, well and truly, over matched and moved on to something else.

Understood. Well, it's just part of my personality to pick something (game, hobby, whatever) and "grind" it, lol. I did it with Everquest, to a lesser extent Combat Mission, and now I'm doing it with Battle Brothers. :)

You weren't overmatched, you just didn't want to put the hours in. No shame, it's just a game. :)
