Wasteland 3

Oh, my.
If you decide you are ready to go to Aspen to take down Vic Buchanan and his gang, pack a lunch. A very BIG lunch.
Seriously, load up on as much med supplies and ammo as you afford. Then take out a bank loan so you can buy some more!
I haven't been counting, but my best guess is I've had to endure six firefights so far and think there could be 3-4 more still left to deal with.
I was starting to get a bit worried supplies just might become problematic when I had an odd encounter that happily ended up with my getting access to a "doctor"
who had med stuff AND ammo! That provided for a complete resupply. My power cells were down to what was in the guns so this was a huge relief.
Be careful. The encounter can easily have you end up killing everyone instead.
Beware! The crazies love their gas grenades. This means your team is going to get poisoned repeatedly so go heavy on the poison antidote.
The writing continues to be excellent. The story line and character dialogues remain top notch.
This is a good one guys.
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Gotta dance around a bit with this post as what just happened was a BIG surprise that I definitely do not want to reveal to anyone who is/isn't playing this atm. It can
be said that the developers just threw the completely unexpected at me. My first impression was "WTF!? How am I going to be able to fix this!"
So, as I started to try to adjust I found that in a couple of instances I just might come out of it a bit better than before. However, I can see where others with a bit of a
different roster might still be swearing!
As a side note I just added "Scotchmo" to my team. He has, perhaps, some of the funniest monologue lines I've ever heard. The guy who does the audio "drunk" impression
is absolutely spot on. "What's a guy gotta do to get a drink around here?" Yeah, what?

I'm off to meet up w/Angela as well. Also hope to find the cannibal deserters out hunting bison around the same area.
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Gotta dance around a bit with this post as what just happened was a BIG surprise that I definitely do not want to reveal to anyone who is/isn't playing this atm. It can
be said that the developers just threw the completely unexpected at me. My first impression was "WTF!? How am I going to be able to fix this!"
So, as I started to try to adjust I found that in a couple of instances I just might come out of it a bit better than before. However, I can see where others with a bit of a
different roster might still be swearing!
As a side note I just added "Scotchmo" to my team. He has, perhaps, some of the funniest monologue lines I've ever heard. The guy who does the audio "drunk" impression
is absolutely spot on. "What's a guy gotta do to get a drink around here?" Yeah, what?

I'm off to meet up w/Angela as well. Also hope to find the cannibal deserters out hunting bison around the same area.
That picture of you is amazing...
Decided I needed to do a little recce to figure out where in the hell the wayward cannibals are. They were last reported to be shooting bison somewhere but,
after driving around aimlessly bumping into rocks and running over fauna, I decided I needed a little nudge. It looked like I'd driven all over the the known global
map and there was no place else for me to look. Wrong.
Turns out there is apparently still another approx 1/3 or so of the map that I completely missed...and that is where the Knox Bison Ranch is located! At least I now know
where to go next.
While on my previous fruitless adventure I got the usual distress call. Two sisters were being attacked by a gang and would I care to intervene? Well, sure. That's what us Rangers do.
After killing off about 10 of them to reach the sisters I was able to learn they were deadbeats and the gang was led by a debt collect who reeally wanted his money back. I suggested
to him I could pay it off but, when told it was $10,000 I decided perhaps there was some other way. It turns out you can negotiate your way out of the whole situation, and gain some
nice reputation points, if your level of the Kiss Ass skill is [7] or higher. Whew. I really didn't want to have to take on the remainder of that gang and had seriously thought about just
letting him have those silly women in exchange for saving my ammo and explosives. I am a baad man.
OK, heading south. I can smell those bison from here.
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The end is in sight. That's good and bad...I think.
After having discovered the rest of the map I drove around aimlessly until I got it mostly covered. While doing so I found three more quest locations and did them all rather
easily. It seems like I should have been there earlier at a lower level, but I cannot think of what I might have done that would have sent me in that direction sooner.
So, now I am left with one secondary quest and one story quest that are inter related. That may be a problem. "Why's that mTk?" Good question, thanks for asking.
I was doing some casual reading about the end game and it basically confirmed I may be screwed for two reasons. First, gross mismanagement of my skill points allocation.
I intentionally did not read up in advance about the game when I started because it is generally more fun to go in blind. This was no exception. The problem with that approach
is that I may well have failed to get some critical skills maxed out that may be a requirement to proceed successfully with the end game. I hope not, but I am concerned.
The second is I made some choices in quests that (may) have/has made the end game much more difficult. For instance: my ATV is not 100% radiation proof (and it could have been)
and there are a couple of spots left on the map I cannot get into. Whether this ends up biting me in the butt remains to be seen.
So, with everything on the line my slightly unprepared, but courageous, band of Desert Rangers is heading for a showdown with that bitch Liberty Buchanan.

As the Bad Boys say, 'Take no prisoners!"
Apparently my fears were unfounded.
Through some good looting I was able to purchase an upgrade at sniper rifle and SMG. They are already proving their worth.
Liberty's army is/was consisted of "soldiers" from the four previous factions that I've already dealt with. Lots of 'em.
Fortunately, the story allowed me do do some stuff to avoid having to take them all on by force. I managed to set off a paranoid war between all and that
pretty much put the "kibosh" on almost all of them. All that remains is Liberty and her die hard bodyguards. I've started taking them on now, but I do fear
the final encounter with Liberty because I know she has big robots at here disposal and they will be very tough to deal with.
Lock & load ladies!
:cry: !
Absolutely never fails. Any time I think things are going well in all becomes a dumpster fire. As I was wading my way through the bad guys Liberty's
first string showed up. Geez. It's not their weapons that are my problem. It's their health. My strongest guys is around 550 HP or so. Their big guys are
around 3400 HP!?
I'm afraid I may end up running o/o medkits and I am no where near anyplace where I can buy more.
This is getting just a little hairy. Somehow I gotta fight better.
Oh, FYI, Steam just released a patch that provided a massive improvement to load times. As much as 60% better in some cases. Devs responded nicely to
the biggest complaint.
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:cry: !
Absolutely never fails. Any time I think things are going well in all becomes a dumpster fire. As I was wading my way through the bad guys Liberty's
first string showed up. Geez. It's not their weapons that are my problem. It's their health. My strongest guys is around 550 HP or so. Their big guys are
around 3400 HP!?
I'm afraid I may end up running o/o medkits and I am no where near anyplace where I can buy more.
This is getting just a little hairy. Somehow I gotta fight better.
Oh, FYI, Steam just released a patch that provided a massive improvement to load times. As much as 60% better in some cases. Devs responded nicely to
the biggest complaint.
Wah? Not enough brute force?
This game is diabolical! The devs keep the story entirely unpredictable.
Used enough brute force on Liberty and her monster 'bots to get her to surrender. She is now in custody.
I was expecting a little prologue of sorts and then the game would be over. Nupe! :shockaroona:
While heading back to Ranger HQ I met Angela Deth. There were 3 options and I chose to agree with her (guessing it would be entertaining) that Patriarch Bucanan must be
removed from power over Colorado. In his old age he's become a bit of a dictatorial tyrant (almost) as bad as the people I've been fighting. Unfortunately, he has supporters. In the ranger HQ.
They've taken it over! I need to get in to access the control room as there is a secret tunnel from the HQ to the middle of Colorado Springs where Bucanan is preparing his defense. Other avenues into
town have been blocked off. And...the only way to do that is get through HQ somehow and access 3 computers to unlock the control room.
My choice was not universally accepted. One of my team left for personal reasons. She was an NPC sniper heavily armed and kitted out. To make up for it Angela says she will come
along with me, but atm I have not gained access to her character and am one team member short.
Never a dull moment.
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This game is diabolical! The devs keep the story entirely unpredictable.
Used enough brute force on Liberty and here monster 'bots to get her to surrender. She is now in custody.
I was expecting a little prologue of sorts and then the game would be over. Nupe! :shockaroona:
While heading back to Ranger HQ I met Angela Deth. There were 3 options and I chose to agree with her (guessing it would be entertaining) that Patriarch Bucanan must be
removed from power over Colorado. In his old age he's become a bit of a dictatorial tyrant (almost) as bad as the people I've been fighting. Unfortunately, he has supporters. In the ranger HQ.
They've taken it over! I need to get in to access the control room as there is a secret tunnel from the HQ to the middle of Colorado Springs where Bucanan is preparing his defense. Other avenues into
town have been blocked off. And...the only way to do that is get through HQ somehow and access 3 computers to unlock the control room.
My choice was not universally accepted. One of my team left for personal reasons. She was an NPC sniper heavily armed and kitted out. To make up for it Angela says she will come
along with me, but atm I have not gained access to her character and am one team member short.
Never a dull moment.
Bad news at Bedrock . Good luck.
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