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FGM deploy to Takistan - complete


FGM 2nd Lieutenant
Oct 26, 2013
Reaction score
London, UK
After the learning I've had with MCC over the last couple of weeks I've decided to run the Sunday ops, that I organise, with a story thread. As the story unfolds everyone will be able to tell the tale through this sticky post.

We kick off on Sunday March 30th with the 1st FGM deploying to the province of Badakhohan, approximately 80km west of Zargabad in Takistan. Takistan is on the border of Iran and Pakistan, close to the Caspien sea and Eastern Europe. We will be operating from Camp Hope, which is at a small airport in the south of the region.

1st FGM is assigned to Pionierregiment 100 (PiRgt 100), a German engineer regiment deployed as part of a NATO force in the troubled area. The 1st FGM's primary role is as a protection force for the engineers based at Camp Hope, with a secondary role as a QRF for the region.

Feel free to post your pictures or video links in this post. I'll continue to post separate op details for roll call and briefings.

Good Luck.
26th March, day 1

As the 1st FGM liaison with the PiRgt100 I have deployed to Takistan a few days ahead of the main combat group. My orders, to get an understanding of the situation and facilitate a quicker orientation for the rest of the 1st FGM. The Badakhohan region of Takistan is mountainous and sparsely populated. Historically it has been a hub of rebel activity and conflict, this has left its mark on the landscape and the local populace. Transportation around the region is difficult, there is minimal infrastructure, and the main roadways run through deep valleys making them perfect for ambushes. Couple this with unexploded ordnance and mines, the area is not a comfortable place to be deployed.


[Pic of terrain from high altitude as I fly in]

Camp Hope carries its historical battle scars. The PiRgt100 has only recently deployed to the location and are working hard to make the airbase as comfortable as possible. The perimeter of the camp is a strict no-go area as it is littered with unstable ordnance and mines from previous combatants. All equipment and personnel has to be brought in via air as large scale land travel is impossible at this time due to IED’s and rebel activity.


[Pic of camp from air, C130’s bringing in equipment]

Speaking with the area commander, his primary objective is securing the ‘hearts and minds’ of the local populace by clearing mines and re-building the local infrastructure. His view on the rebels, ‘they are ill disciplined bullies that should be easily pushed out by NATO forces’. The perspective of the troops on the ground is different. Whilst the rebels are lightly armed and poorly equipped they have recently changed their engagement tactics resulting in marked successes against the local NATO forces. There is a lot of speculation around what has driven this change, I’ll focus on fact and today it is not know why, or even widely accepted by the command structure, that their tactics have changed. The PiRgt100 are a good bunch of guys, even if their commander is wound a little tight.


[Pic of PiRgt100 buddy team]

Once the FGM team arrives the expectation is that we will get boots outside of the camp ASAP. The nearby villages need to be secured so the Engineers can start working in the area without being shot at. I stress the need for caution, let’s find our feet.

Welcome to Takistan gentlemen.
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30th March, day 5

With orders to start to secure the local area the squad headed out with Septic leading, Vart taking the role as explosives specialist, ithikial as AT & myself as forward scout. We quickly encountered the biggest danger of the area, mine fields.


[Pic of local mine warning markers and APERS sticking out of the ground]

The team carefully skirted around the minefields towards the objectives. We pushed through LoyManara with no resistance and on to a small village east where we met our first rebels. A tough engagement but we cleared the village with no casualties to the team.


[Pic of village entrance from the west]

After the first engagement the team quickly moved east towards Chardarakht. Septic was spot on with his movement calls, keeping the team clear of the minefields and taking us into the village. Splitting into two fire teams we worked through the village. Vart and Ithikial left a trail of dead rebels behind them. Check out the civilian frozen in fear in the background!


[Vart and Ithikial left a trail of bodies as they moved forward]

Not everything in this awful country is trying to kill you. there's some amazing architecture.


[Pic of an impressive mosque tower]

With the village cleared I had the opportunity to catch up with some of the locals. They weren't exactly grateful but expressed an interest when I told them engineers would be coming in the next couple of days to start to clear the minefields and help rebuild the village.


[Pic of me try to get friendly with the locals]

With the area east secured we headed back to Camp Hope. The need to ensure we stayed vigilant was demonstrated when Vart got too close to an IED..... BANG. No pics and thankfully it was ineffective, only giving him bruising and bloody ears.


[Pic of a old APC, possibly packed with unexploded shells. Everyone needs to stay sharp when in the AO]

When back at base the team made the call not to head out to clear the area west at that time. We had a de-brief and then each went off to replay the day and reconcile the lives that we had taken in our own ways.

A great days work managed by Septic at a pace that ensured everyone came home.


[Pic of the 1st FGM team from left to right, Ithikial, Septic and Vart.]
6th April, day 12

With the eastern perimeter of the camp secured 7 days previous the FGM team was tasked with securing the western perimeter. Breaking into two fire teams, Septic led the group out on a foot patrol at dawn. We quickly came across the usual issue of expansive minefields limiting the route opportunities, forcing us to follow the road and exposing us to IEDs and potential ambushes. Moving forward along the road with red team on the right and white team on the left we progressed at a rapid pace.


[Pic, red and white fire team scouts push up the road]


[Pic, check out the weaponry, Vart with his AK47, Ithikial with his Steyr and Septic with his faithfull M4A1]

First contact of the morning came close to a suspected IED and an abandoned oil storage facility. The ambush was quickly dealt with, all 4 rebels being dispatched with well placed grenades. The facility proved to be structurally unstable, with a large storage tank collapsing close to the team resulting in several injuries. After patching up those hurt, we quickly moved out to the first objective.

Vart’s team setup overwatch, opening fire on rebels in the village however unlike the eastern villages these localities were more densely populated. This caused considerable confusion within the fire teams, and despite various warnings of civilians in the locality we quickly saw collateral damage. White team pushed in, with Ithikial and Septic working closely together to try and clear through the village. Rebel forces moved in from the north and the firefight became confusing, Vart’s team providing continued overwatch and suppressive fire whilst white team tried to clear through the village. Eventually, with some casualties, we secured the first village and then proceeded north to the second objective.

We rapidly came upon a second contingent of rebel forces, the team pushed forward and immediately become embroiled in CQB. The second village was on the side of a steep hill, the rebels taking cover in the downward slope defilade which resulted in some injuries in the FGM team as we tried to secure vantage points to provide suppressive fire and flank down the slopes against the rebels. Despite the difficult terrain and the house to house combat the village was secured, but not without further collateral damage and casualties within the FGM teams.


[Pic, second village secured. Locals check bodies to see if they know them]

Upon return to the base I had to spend some time with the PiRgt100 commander, explaining the engagement, the collateral damage, and listening to him protest about the negative impact the civilian casualties will have upon the PiRgt100’s presence in the region. Bloody 'hearts and minds'.

FGM Command were more understanding, however their expectation is clear. We are a protection force and expected to support the strategies of the PiRgt100. Subsequent engagements are to be cleaner or we will be pulled from the AO.
13th April, day 19

With the immediate area of Camp Hope secure and the engineers working to clear mines and rebuild the local village infrastructure the PiRgt100 commander wants to push his Hearts and Minds initiative north. Working with the US Colonel in command of NATO forces in the province, they identified a small compound on the outskirts of the town of FeeruzAbad. US scout drones were sent to survey the town for enemy activity before any engineers moved in to setup an FOB. Unable to determine specific rebel activity the 1st FGM were tasked to travel to the town, secure the compound and put foot patrols out to scout the town for rebel activity before the PiRgt100 engineers move in.


[Pic, US scout drone surveillance photo of FeeruzAbad]

With the engineering squads forming up at the base the 6 man FGM team kitted up, loaded aboard three Hunters and headed out.


[Pic, PiRgt100 engineers wait for clearance from the FGM team before heading to FeeruzAbad]

Some of the road to the objective had already been scouted, cleared of mines, and IED however we were advised to be vigilant. Closing in on the AO the lead vehicle with Ithikial and Vart spotted a wreck, Vart was confident it presented no risk however BANG!


[Pic, Vart and Ithikial's Hunter goes BANG!]

Luckily the team bailed from the truck with no injury. The rest of the team had quickly formed a 360 to protect against potential ambush however in the confusion there was a single incidence of blue on blue. The injury was not fatal however the lead HMG Hunter was destroyed, forcing the team into the remaining 2 hunters. Spear and Nelson in the second HMG hunter took the lead, heading to the objective.

We moved into the compound, meeting no resistance the team disembarked and broke into 2 x 2 man teams and headed into the town to scout for rebel activity.


[Pic, the main town high street]

The team suddenly came under high powered rifle fire. Vart was injured, the rest of the team laid smoke as they sought the sniper out. We haven't come across such a skilled combatant before in this AO, the team moved forward carefully, working to identify the snipers perch. For an unknown reason the sniper fire stopped, and then team spotted rebel activity moving in behind us. It seemed the sniper was intended to draw us away from the town as the main force moved in to ambush us from behind.

The team pulled back to the compound quickly. Forming a defensive line the FGM displayed it's professionalism, destroying two technicals, returning effective fire, quickly killing key members of the enemy assault squad and pushing forward in a counter strike.


[Pic, White fire team provide over watch for the Red fire team. Spot the empty cartridge spitting out as I provide suppressive fire]

Once the area was confirmed clear I went out with some engineers to scout out the sniper perch. We found the spot, locating empty 12.7mm cartridges. I've sent them back to HQ for further analysis. I'll share the information when it's available.

Another op executed well, the 1st FGM is building a name for itself in Takistan. Good job gentlemen.


[Pic, FGM team; Vart, Spear, Nelson, D, Septic, Ithikial]
27th April – day 33

FGM command update; Heavy losses by the PiRgt100, 16 KIA, 4 evacuated. FGM efforts to destroy the equipment and infrastructure at the FOB were unsuccessful, with various vehicles and combat equipment falling into enemy hands. DoubleD missing in action, presumed captive. All in all, this operation was a bit of a balls up!

AAR follows;

Midday PiRgt100 Command received an alert message from the FOB at FeeruzAbad that it was under attack from a strong rebel force. The FGM was immediately scrambled as a QRF however numbers were low with only 4 team members being on active duty. Alpha 2-1 and Alpha 3-2 (Vart, Ithikial, Nelson and DoubleD) kitted up and were flown out from Camp Hope at 14:00 hours for a helicopter insertion south of the FOB.

The heli came under fire during the insertion, taking damage and wounding the co-pilot, however Alpha fire team was successfully inserted. Ithikial led Alpha to the Southern ridgeline overlooking the compound and immediately engaged rebel forces to the East of the FOB. The fire team lacked firepower to suppress the assaulting rebels and were quickly flanked by further enemy forces from the West. This resulted in multiple injuries to Alpha. It is estimated the rebel assault forces numbered over 100 and included at least 2 x 50cal HMG technicals.

Due to the exposed nature of the ridgeline, and with Alpha team unable to win the suppression battle, Ithikial ordered everyone down into the FOB. The battle continued to rage, Nelson and Vart secured the East and West compound towers however the West flanking rebel force had now secured the ridgeline and were able to fire directly down into the FOB. After a protracted fire fight with further injuries sustained by both the PiRgt100 and Alpha team, the rebel forces were repelled.

At 14:52 US surveillance drones identified an overwhelming rebel force approaching the AO, approximately 15km East. The order was given to evacuate the FOB and destroy all equipment and structures. With 3 heli’s available to evacuate the engineers, Alpha utilised explosives at the base to lay charges across all vehicles and equipment as the PiRgt100 engineers evac’d.

As the final heli came in to evac Alpha there was some confusing communication. The result, evac heli Charlie 4-1 took off without Corporal DoubleD on board. As the heli lifted off the rebels resumed firing on the base from the East. DoubleD advised that the LZ was not safe and ordered Charlie 4-1 to pull out to a safe distance and allow Alpha lead to blow the charges in the base. Further confusion ensued with the pilot moving out of detonation range resulting in a failed detonation and then taking the decision to RTB, leaving DoubleD in the AO.

Communication with DoubleD was maintained through the following 56 hours, however contact was lost on the night of the 29th, local time 00:58. Rebel radio chatter picked up by US surveillance suggests he was captured. Further intel is incoming.
Meanwhile Operative Ithikial will never be able to visit Germany again on account of the botched mission he led. :) (He also pleads with the international community for more boots on the ground!)
4th May, day 40

US intel identified CPL DoubleD in Zargabad and 1st FGM Command quickly called for a snatch team rather than risk losing the trail. The FGM duty roster quickly filled as everyone who could be available stepped forward to recover a missing comrade. The team travelled through the night in civilian vehicles, arriving West of the town of Zargabad at approximatel 00:15 hrs. The town is well know as a stronghold for insurgents and outside of the current zone of NATO control. With this in mind the FGM operation required stealth, the objective was to snatch the CPL and evac before local forces awoke.


[1st FGM fire team pushes forward under surveillance of US drones]

The 6 man team of Ithikial, Nelson, Septic, Spear and Nathan, led by Vart approached from the West. Avoiding contact with rebels forces they scouted the area, choosing to move through the abandoned airport into the town. The East of town held the main rebel garrisons of +300 men. Stealth was the primary priority as no CAS or US support was available.


[Pic, FGM scouts push forward as they identify a safe route]

Intel was good, identifying the location of CPL DoubleD. The snatch team moved fast and silent, eliminating the holding force.


[Pic, foreground and background, simultaneous take down of guards]


[Pic, background shows the FGM team. a corpse in the foreground on the roof from a silent take down whilst the guard at the door way is unaware]

With CPL DoubleD secure the team fall back. A quick decision from Vart, and he sent some of the team members back to the location of the NATO vehicles to place charges. Any rebel activity was quickly eliminated with Spear acting as over watch. Once charges were placed the team withdrew to a safe distance and detonated.


[Pic, stolen NATO vehicles are destroyed]

The team avoided further engagement, taking the civilian vehicles they had travelled to the AO in and moving quickly to the evac LZ.


[Pic, Zargabad burns. A view from the abandoned airfield as the FGM team evac]

A 100% successful op, achieving both the primary and secondary objectives. When knocked down, we learn and move forward. the 1st FGM demonstrated what they can achieve today.
18th May, day 54

Following increased rebel activity NATO Command made the decision to escalate anti-insurgency operations. The US 172nd Infantry brigade moved to secure Zargabad, a key stronghold of rebel forces, and 1st FGM were tasked with destroying a mortar support compound and then investigating unorthodox rebel activity at a villa on the north east perimeter of the town.

The 1st FGM strike team (Alpha 1) H.A.L.O inserted north of the first objective under cover of night, 04:00. The compound was swiftly cleared with no injuries in the team. Eight mortar pits were destroyed along with various HMG technical and ancillary equipment. Coordinating that detonation with the 172nd, Alpha then moved south using rebel vehicles taken from the compound. The US moved into the town from the west as the sun rose, 04:30.

At the villa Alpha encountered approximately 12 combatants. They wore a mix of combat fatigues and were much better equipped than rebel forces engaged to date. The forces at the villa actively fired upon Alpha and were all killed in the ensuing fire fight. Pvt Nelson shot and killed what appeared to be an individual in officer uniform, initial thoughts are that he was a CSAT advisor.


[Pic, forces uncounted at the villa]


[Pic, suspected CSAT advisor]

Also located at the villa was high tech communication and Surveillance equipment. NATO forces and UN inspectors have seized the equipment for further investigation.
Once the villa was cleared Alpha seized a second HMG technical and moved west into Zargabad to support the 172nd. We met light resistance which was quickly dealt with. As Alpha moved through the mosque at the centre of town it became apparent that there had been heavy fighting. There was evidence of casualties on both sides, with burnt out vehicles and bodies strewn through the streets.


[Pic, foreign power equipment]


[Pic, Alpha move west into Zargabad using stolen vehicles]

Alpha assisted in the final mop up of the AO. Most resistance had been terminated by the US force, any remaining rebel force was in disarray and had fled the town.


[Pic, signs of heavy fighting, casualties on both sides]

A successful op for both the 1st FGM and the 172nd. Zero injury was reported by Alpha with the 172nd reporting 1 KIA, 9 seriously wounded, 8 minor injuries. The ramifications of the find at the villa are not yet clear, the political impact of Intel is considerable. Further updates will be provided as needed.


[Pic, victory photo. Alpha; Vart, Nelson, Septic & Ithikial]
Thanks Double D. Fully expect the war gods to turn against us next week. ;) And please pass along my apologies to the engineers analyzing that CSAT vehicle. Got a bit trigger happy entering the compound.
1 June, day 68

Following intel from US NATO forces 1st FGM were tasked with securing a goods container to the north of Camp Hope. Alpha kitted up and the squad headed out to the AO via a Hummingbird helicopter. The weather was lousy, with heavy persistent rain hampering the operation. Ithikial took squad lead, identifying the insert LZ and taking the decision to investigate location Xray first.


[Pic, squad ready for heli insert]

Once on the ground we broke into two teams, blue consisting of Vart, Nelson and me DoubleD, whilst Ithikial and Septic made up red team. Moving to the first settlement on foot, red went into the village from the right flank, Vart led blue team in from the left. As further intel was incoming, advising that the objective container was a bright red 40' ocean freight container, the team searched the village. Nothing was found.

As the team moved out of AO Xray a hostile 4 man fire team was spotted and ambushed. All targets were swiftly eliminated. During this time Alpha also spotted a bunker fortification to the north on the ridge line. The team moved up the hill to the west of the fortification and called in a 4 shell tight artillery strike before assaulting the complex. The complex was well guarded and both Alpha squad teams sustained injuries. Once the complex was secured and the terrain evaluated, both red and blue teams pushed north down into the AO valley of objective Zulu. Whilst approaching the second objective heavy fighting broke out with further rebel forces, approximately 30 rebels were engaged. The fire fight was a sustained battle, Septic inflicting heavy loses on the enemy with LMG fire.


[Pic, Alpha prior to first heavy engagement]

Once Alpha had won the fire fight we pushed forward into the village designated as Zulu. Whilst we were unable to locate the specific container a large weapons cache was found. This included static AT, HMG, munitions and vehicles. Initial impressions were that the equipment was CSAT, Iranian and Pakistani.


[Pic, weapons cache]

Continuing south to objective Yankee Alpha was quickly engaged by further rebel forces. Again fighting was heavy with blue and red teams being split and then flanked by rebel forces. The engagement was fluid, with casualties on both sides. At this time reenforcement forces from the 172nd entered the AO via helicopter insertion. The MH helicopter took heavy fire however it inserted 3 US squads and provided a brief burst of CAS as it exited the AO. With the additional forces, Alpha moved with the US infantry to clear both settlements and destroy a second fortification bunker on the west ridge line. After further investigation a second large cache of AT, AA, vehicles and supplies was found at objective Yankee. No sign of the specific red 40' container however the munitions and equipment secured during this op was staggering.


[Pic, suspected Iranian AA weapons]


[Pic, Nathangun searches creates of explosives]


[Pic, Pakistani and Iranian vehicles]

Questions now need to be answered, where did the equipment come from and why was it there?

The op was a tough engagement for Alpha. The regional situation shows no signs of calming down, I'm sure this will not be FGM's toughest fight.


[Pic, Alpha leaving the AO on a MH. Vart, Nathan, Septic, Nelson and Ithikial. Doubled behind the camera]
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