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FGM deploy to Takistan - complete

6th June, day 72

Regional update;

the Pakistani government rages against the UN whilst local newspapers cry for aggressive action against NATO forces in Takistan and the surrounding Western Asian area. Iran continues to move heavy forces towards Takistan. Turkey distances itself from the EU as far right political groups in Europe stage demonstrations specifically against CSAT member states. Violence breaks out at embassies across the globe as media in Asia and the West talk of religious persecution.


[Pic of Pakistan newspaper, 5th June]

Operational update;

NATO forces entered the Badakhohan province late last year so infrastructure and deployment is not at peak state. As hostilities in the region rapidly increase NATO has escelated it's threat levels across Takistan. All non-combative forces are being pulled back to Fallujah, the capital city of Takistan located on the west coast. The US 172nd Infantry Battalion has started distributing it's forces at key strategic locations however combat forces in the region are being stretched thin at the moment. The 1st FGM remain on full combat status allocated to the PiRgt100.
7th June, day 73

Regional update;

At 09:30 local time Pakistani forces moved across Takistan borders at the North East of the country. The UN have decreed the movement of troops as illegal and threaten immediate sanctions upon Pakistan unless forces pull back across the border. To date there have been no reported clashes of Pakistani and NATO troops, however local reports have started to come in of NATO forces moving west with corresponding speculation that NATO commanders are reconciling their forces following fears that Iran will join Pakistan in the move into Takistan.


[Pic, US and UK representatives at an emergency UN meeting to discuss the movement of Pakistani forces into Takistan]
8th June, day 74,

With Pakistani forces pushing into Takistan and the US 172nd distributing its forces north to south along the Kuhistoni road, the 1st FGM (Alpha 1) was requested to send all available forces to assist in defending the town of Zargabad. A fire team set out on the +80km journey at midday in 3 Hunters, arriving to the south of the airfield FOB at 17:45.


[Pic of hunters just south of Zargabad AO]

Zargabad was being held by 3 squads from the 172nd, Bravo, Charlie and Delta. The FOB was under sporadic mortar fire and control of the town centre had been lost. Bravo and Delta were in the field, with Charlie defending the FOB. Bravo had successfully engaged an incoming force from the north, whilst Delta had headed into the town to search for survivors of a downed NATO Helicopter from earlier in the day. Delta had reported hostile contact at 14:00 hrs, a firefight was heard shortly after, and then contact with Delta was lost.

Immediately upon arriving at Zargabad airfield Alpha headed into the town to try to make contact with Delta at the downed heli. With Septic taking command the small team moved on foot rather than risk AT attacks one of the Hunters. At 50-60 meters from the downed heli the team spotted corpses of what appeared to be Delta. Other bodies were also spotted in mixed combat fatigues and light body armour. There was also a Marshal and a Hunter damaged and burning at the location. Whilst pushing forward Alpha was engaged by forces hidden in a compound next to the wreckages, we quickly become embroiled in heavy CQB with approximately 10 hostiles. The engagement involved the use of grenades and M203 rounds, the outcome, Alpha was successful in entering the compound and securing the area. The team identified the US soldiers of Delta, they were all dead. The wounded appeared to have been executed.


[Pic, compound with burning MH in background]

Based upon Alpha's report of the situation Command ordered the team to hold and secure any intel from the bodies or the heli. Whilst setting up defensive positions Nelson reported a sighting incoming forces from the east area of the town. Initially it was not clear if they were blue or hostile forces, however that become obvious very quickly when the incoming force opened fire on Alpha. Once again Alpha was engaged in heavy CQB. The attack was a Pakistani squad, with a second squad flanking from the south later into the engagement. Nathangun, a late arrival to the AO, had brought up one of the Hunter HMG which provided the necessary firepower to push back the Pakistani forces. During the engagement Bravo squad also reported engaging a force to the north of Zargabad and requested assistance. Once Alpha's area was secure the team prepared to move out to support Bravo however whist moving the Hunter a hostile APC arrived, destroying the Hunter and injuring most of Alpha. Once the team had regrouped and evac'd Septic back to Camp Hope, the remaining four man team headed back out to try and re-establish communication with Bravo.


[Pic, with Septic down, Alpha head back out to establish communication with Bravo]

As darkness fell additional mechanised Pakistani forces entered the town, approx. 3 APC, each with a full support squad. Avoiding contact, Alpha pushed into the town to locate Bravo. We found the compound with Bravo 2, the entire fire team was dead. With Septic wounded I had taken command of the team and made the decision to not push on to look for Bravo 1, instead I took the team back to the airfield and Charlie. On the journey back Pakistani forces that had moved into Zargabad attacked Charlie at the airfield. The squad took losses however repelled the attack. When Alpha was approximately 100 meters from the airfield we heard vehicle noises from the north east. The sound suggested heavy armour, and soon enough 3 Pakistani heavy battle tanks rolled into the town, quickly assuming control of the centre. Alpha withdrew to the airfield however we lost contact with Pvt Nelson. He was not spotted during the rest of the battle.


[Pic, Alpha trying to get back to airfield]

With NATO forces to the north and south of the town withdrawing due to similar skirmish engagements, Command ordered Zargabad airfield evacuated. I took the decision to engage the Pakistani forces in the town to allow Charlie to evac with the wounded using the last available vehicles. During the ensuing battle Pvt Spear successfully hit a Pakistani battle tank with a PCML AT rocket. With the tank’s tracks damaged the rest of the team hit it with M203 fire and a second AT round from Spear. The Pakistani tank team dismounted and were disabled in the ensuing fire fight. During the engagement with the tank additional Pakistani forces had flanked the airfield, giving Alpha little choice but pull back ASAP. With the two HMG hunters lost in the town and the Command Hunter destroyed at the airport the 3 remaining members of Alpha withdrew from Zargabad on foot under cover of darkness.


[Pic, a Pakistani MBT-52 destroyed. Charlie squad member KIA in the foreground]
11th June, day 77

Regional update;

Iranian forces crossed Takistan southern borders today, at approximately 14:55 hrs. Heavy armour, mechanised infantry and air support began to move north west towards Badakhohan province. NATO does not have sufficient heavy armour in the region to directly engage the combined CSAT forces, and Air Command is reluctant to battle for air superiority with CSAT matching NATO in ground based AA technology and capability. The PiRgt100 have been ordered to begin to deconstruct Camp Hope and convoy all possible munitions and equipment west to Fallujah.

Situational update;

US 172nd Infantry and NATO 1st FGM forces engaged a forward mechanised Pakistani force in Zargabad at 16:30 hours on the 8th June, Sunday. 21 soldiers from the US 172nd were reported killed, with 5 soldiers returning to Camp Hope, 2 of which were critically wounded and immediately evac’d to Fallajuha. 1 soldier of the 1st FGM was with the US wounded, however his injuries were not severe and he returned to active duty. Contact with the remaining 4 soldiers of Alpha was lost, they are currently listed as MIA.
Would you like someone to play the local population and add a political layer to this?
Nice idea. Without giving spoilers, the story takes a step forward over the next few weeks, revealing more of the plot. This will open out the game play and give me an opportunity to script you in a plot role. I'll drop you a note and we can work through it if your interested.
DD sounds good. I'll be happy to play out of or in game as required. The idea being to add a dynamic local political layer - or whatever else you may require white cell side.
15th June, day 81,

Following the engagement at Zargabad on the 11th, Alpha squad was spread across the region. Septic, Vart and Ithikial were at Camp Hope, Nelson, Nathan, Spear and me were out in the field. With the team in the field getting split up trying to evade Pakistani forces I had secured myself an SUV in an attempt to return to Camp Hope. I had also come across a British soldier, Cohort, and together we drove the remaining 45km back to Hope. When we arrived the PiRgt100 had packed up everything from the camp and the last remaining convoy was schedule to pull out at 14:00 hours. Septic, Vart and Ithikial waiting with the last convoy for returning comrades. Cohort and I rolled in at 13:50, getting back just before the convoy was due to leave. A quick sit rep from the convoy commander and we were immediately put back into the fight, heading north to a small settlement called Bastam where a squad of engineers had headed to evacuate Europeans from a small aid station. Contact was lost with the group about an hour before.

Mounting up in a command Hunter and the SUV that Cohort and I had arrived with, Alpha followed the convoy for about 7km before breaking off and heading north.


[pic, following the convoy]


[pic, Septic driving the SUV. It was a bit shot up and missing a door, but I'd gotten attached to it]

Once we had broken away from the convoy we soon came across a suspected IED. Septic was in Command and took the decision to secure the area and send Vart in to diffuse the potential explosive threat. It was a solid decision, with Vart finding an IED and disabling the explosives quickly. Once mounted back up we quickly headed towards Bastam, on the journey we had the great fortune to come across Nathan. He had been moving west and with him back in the squad we now numbered six which allowed us to split into two small fire teams. At the outskirts of Bastam we pulled off the road and headed to high ground to get eyes on the settlement. The village was built around a large mosque on a cross roads. From a high vantage point we quickly spotted rebel forces around the buildings and patrolling the immediate area. We also spotted what appeared to be the corpses of German engineers.

Alpha 2 fire team setup overwatch at the high vantage point, Alpha 1 team moved west off the hill to approach the village from the south. Septic, Vart and I were Alpha 1. Once Alpha 1 was in position Alpha 2 opened fire on the settlement, immediately taking out several combatants. Alpha 1 pushed forward through a small copse on the outskirts of the village and was quickly engaged. Both Septic and I took hits leaving Vart the only member of Alpha 1 up. Repositioning in one of the buildings on the outskirts of the village Vart fought a valiant battle, engaging +10 rebels from all sides. His efforts prevented Alpha 1 being overrun and helped turn the tide of the engagement. With Alpha 1 pinned down, Alpha 2 laid down suppressive fire. Cohort and Nathan using rifle fire and spotting for Ithikial as he peppered the area with LMG fire. The engagement was short and fierce, Alpha 2 pushed down from their overwatch position after only a few minutes to support Alpha 1 in CQB at the southern edges of the settlement.

With the southern perimeter of the village secure Alpha 1 stacked up on the east side of the mosque, Alpha 2 stacking up on the west. On Septic’s command both teams breached the mosque, clearing the building swiftly and engaging 1 to 2 rebels. At the east entrance to the mosque we located 3 dead soldiers from the PiRgt100 and in the centre of the mosque itself was one of the aid works, dead. The rest of the team secured the mosque as I took tags from the dead and documented the scene.


[Pic, fallen comrades]

Ithikial, Cohort and Nathan positioned themselves on the northern walls of the mosque and immediately located the PiRgt100 vehicles and the rest of the squad on the main road, they appeared to have been ambushed in the centre of the village. Bodies were strewn around the badly damaged vehicles and a burnt out hunter. Both Alpha teams pushed north, clearing the rest of the settlement before searching the ambush site and checking for wounded. Ithikial located the rest of the aid workers. They had been lined up against a wall and executed, their 5 bodies left to bake in the afternoon sun.


[Pic, executed aid workers]

Identifying and documenting the fallen comrades was a tough job, I knew some of them from Camp Hope. Once I’d finished with the grim task the remaining NATO vehicles were destroyed and the squad turned back south for the drive to Fallajuha.


[Pic, Ithikial provides overwatch with the LMG]


[Pic, Septic running after checking the demolition charges]

With Alpha 1 in the SUV and Alpha 2 in the Hunter the squad drove south. With fallen comrades fresh in our thoughts Septic and I missed a barrel at the side of the road. It was an IED which detonated as we passed, setting fire to the SUV. We immediately bailed from the vehicle, all 3 of us getting out before it blew up. Luckily injuries were light however we now only had the Hunter as transport, which could not carry the entire squad. Ithikial and Cohort headed back to Bastam to try and secure a second vehicle. They returned with a top of the range SUV which Septic immediately fell in love with.


[Pic, Alpha 1 moves out in Septic’s new pride and joy. Check out the camouflage flowers. The smoke in the background was from my faithful SUV]

Back on the move Alpha headed west on the main road. Approx. 10 km from Bastam we sighted an APC on the road. Quickly pulling off the road both teams looked to position themselves to engage if necessary. Vart had taken a PCML from one of the German Engineers and he and I were tasked with finding a position with a shot on the APC. Whilst we were on the move Pakistani soldiers suddenly appeared on the horizon and shots rang out. Alpha returned fire, hitting several Pakistani infantry before the APC started to roll down the road. With the vehicle moving in and out of cover, getting a clear shot was difficult but Vart got a solid hit, destroying the APC and killing the crew. The engagement quickly escalated. I estimate the Pakistani force to be approx 2 squads with one of the enemy fire teams moving up the southern valley slopes to flank us. Nathan had moved almost 100m up the same hillside and was engaged and wounded by the enemy fire team. The battle raged, with tracer fire ripping up and down the valley as Alpha and the Pakistani force tried to suppress each other. With Nathan bleeding out Cohort broke cover, dashing up the hillside with bullets kicking up dust around his feet. Shortly after Vart and myself joined him, trying to move through defilade to support Nathan and Cohort. Once aid had been administered we then directed our combined fire upon the Pakistani force as Septic and Ithikial pushed up the valley. We quickly mopped up the rest of the Pakistani force. None of Alpha was in a mood to be merciful, destroying the Pakistani vehicles to complete the carnage. As the charges were being set we had a brief engagement with Pakistani air transport. A Mohawk was damaged and shot down, the rest of the transports and escort pulling out, continuing on their mission. Alpha quickly mounted up our vehicles and continued our dash west to the NATO base at Fallajuha.


[Pic, with the Pakistani forces routed we destroyed their transport and moved out]
DoubleD gives me a shot up Pinto to drive around and Cohort set me up with a truck that has, all leather trim, AC, four wheel drive, super charged V8, and a badass paint job. Any guesses on who will be taking point on the next mission?
20th June, day 86

Regional update;

The bulk of NATO forces have withdrawn to Fallujah which is on the western border of Takistan, close to the eastern coast of the Caspian Sea. The Pakistani and Iranian advance has matched the pace of NATO’s withdrawal and their forces now encompass Fallujah, with the city becoming the focal point of a standoff between NATO and CSAT. There have been no full scale engagements between the two global treaty forces however there are reports of regular skirmishes and casualties are fast mounting on both sides. Across the Caspian Sea is Turkey and the Russian Federation. Turkey, as a member state of CSAT, has its forces on full standby and fears continue to grow that it will make advances into the Mediterranean. With Russia continuing to take a neutral stance, the NATO forces at Fallujah are isolated in the city with no further avenue of withdrawal. Both NATO and CSAT have been reluctant to make a firm attempt to secure air superiority as neither force has a clear advantage.


[Pic, Pakistani forces on the outskirts of Fallujah]

At the UN, attempts to find a political resolution continue however little progress has been made to date. In a statement by the Chinese government they reiterated their support for Pakistan and Iran ‘as a member state of CSAT China pledges full support for both countries in this time of trouble’. In a second statement the foreign minister confirmed that no Chinese military forces would be moving to the area at this time, however Chinese military involvement was not ruled out and would be justified under the Canton Strategic Alliance Treaty.

As Fallujah prepares itself to be the canvas for a full scale battle, the rest of the world holds its breath.


[Pic, aftermath of a skirmish on the outskirts of the city]

Situational update;

With Alpha becoming caught up in various skirmishes during our withdrawal from Badakhohan province the squad has fallen behind the CSAT front line. We are approximately 200km from Fallujah with the Pakistani 111th Brigade or 'Triple-1 Brigade' and Iranian Quds force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), in front of us. We have lost communication with NATO / FGM Command, and the long range radio has been damaged. We are currently hidden in the eastern area of Reshmaan Province. As a unit we have a decision to make, continue to try and make our way back to Fallujah or identify our own targets of opportunity and disrupt CSAT activities behind their lines.
29th June, day 95

During the NATO withdrawal Alpha team of the 1st FGM has been caught behind enemy lines. Communication with NATO command was severed and the long range radio was damaged during the teams engagement on the 15h June.

During the last two weeks Alpha has slowly moved west towards Fallujah however as we passed through Reshmaan province we encountered forces of the Pakistani 111th Brigade or 'Triple-1 Brigade' and Iranian Quds force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). Unable to find a covert route through we setup a small camp in the east of the region. After some discussion the team took the decision to strike back at forces in the area, running several hit and run raids against infrastructure in the area.

On Sunday the 29th, Septic, Nathan, Vart, Ithikial and myself DoubleD, set out to cause some chaos and let CSAT know that the 1st FGM was still active and to be reckoned with. Setting off in the acquired SUV our first target was a petrol station on the outskirts of a settlement to the north west. We quickly came under fire however the Pakistani forces did not appear to be expecting hostile action so far behind their lines and we quickly won the fire fight and destroyed the fuel station. After scavenging equipment from the dead Alpha headed back out, soon taking fire from a reinforcement group in the settlement. Looping back, we dismounted from the SUV and worked our way through the village. We left no enemy survivors.


[Pic, Vart pulls back after clearing the three story building]

Buoyed by our success in the town against the troops protecting the fuel station we headed to a larger target, a bridge across the river runningg north to south of the province. with Septic and me taking position on high ground, Vart and Ithikial headed into the village to the east of the bridge and were quickly engaged. Septic and myself tried to provide support but lacked clear line of sight so we quickly to flank the Pakistani troops. The fire fight was protracted as both side tried to find vantage points in the settlement, however the Pakistani forces were eventually over powered. We even managed to disable an unarmed APC.

To our surprise and delight we discovered that two Pakistani transport trucks with explosive charges were in the village. Using those trucks we crossed the bridge, and then blew it up behind us.


[Pic, Ithikial, Vart and Septic laying charges on the bridge. Note the additional fuel truck to help the destruction]


[Pic, charges set Ithikial and Septic walk confidently away]


[Pic, Charges detonated]


[Pic, Bridge collapses. Note the fuel truck in the top right, airborne.....]

With the bridge destroyed we moved on to our next objective, a second bridge! Moving in from the west Alpha hit hard however we had miss judged the strength of the Pakistani forces and were unprepared for the AA armour that rolled in to enagage us. Both Septic, Ithikial and myself were wounded, leaving Vart once again to pull Alpha away from the brink. With the team patched up we scavanged what AT we could find and pushed back towards the bridge taking out AT and protection forces. With both sides of the bridge secure we once again found explosives stored at the bridge. The Pakistani forces must have been preparing to blow the bridges should they need to, we took advantage of their plan and blew the second bridge.

With the bridge still smoking we headed back to camp and celebrated our success with some local green herbs that Septic had found.


[Pic, Septic and Vart carrying Pakistani AT equipment back at camp]
Unfortunately we had to leave the SUV behind at the second bridge. It survived the grenade spam when we tried to leave after blowing up the gas station and it survived the autocannon fire when that APC suprised us.
CSAT forces surely have destroyed it by now, for it was too awesome for this world.

6th July, day 102

Stuck behind enemy lines Alpha has been scouting the area looking for targets of opportunity and supplies. During the last week we identified that occupying forces seemed to be operating a regular flight between Pakistani and Iranian forces. Mission specifics here: http://www.thefewgoodmen.com/thefgmforum/threads/6th-july-sunday-op-13-30-bst-reshmaan.20301/

Spending a couple of days identifying where we could secure anti air weaponry, the team came up with a plan. The following video is that plan in action...

Got move the mic back at bit, didn't realize I was mouth breathing so much.
I edited it with Microsoft Movie Maker Live running on Windows 7.

Septic, I thought everyone was very clear, I'm quite muted in most of the video.