Field of Glory II: 1000AD - Campaign in development

Testing continues ... campaign now entering 6th year...recently played through the FALL and WINTER and SPRING mustering... and we're into the first Campaign Season Turn and all hell breaks loose...


North to south...

1. Anglo-Saxons invade Norway with a big fleet and army (after spending more than a year saving up for the expedition and building ships) ... Viking army in Denmark at the moment, probably will cross over to Norway to try and defeat the invaders.

2. The Germans invade the Kingdom of Poland ... battle ensues.

3. French advance further into Spain and invade Granada ... battle ensues ... Andalusians will fight desperately to keep the Franks out -- recent fighting hasn't gone the Saracens' way.

4. The Normans in Italy are not campaigning at the moment -- short of funds -- took a little longer to get Croatia back under control after the province rebelled in the previous year.

5. The Pechenegs are active again and raid into Transylvania and meet a Hungarian army there

6. The Byzantines deploy their fleets again to strangle the Fatamid's income from Cyprus and muster a large army and invade the Aleppo Sultanate as a buffer against the Dailami.

7. After recent setbacks against the invading Persian Dailamis... the Fatamids spend every last piece of gold and manpower to get the biggest army they can raise to try and recapture Mosul... will be the third battle for the province in a row.

Test battles against @Nelson1812 have been set up ... looks like critical period for the Andalusians and the Viking kingdom... we start with the Aleppo and Transylvania battles.
the Fatamids spend every last piece of gold and manpower to get the biggest army they can raise to try and recapture Mosul... will be the third battle for the province in a row.

Sounds vaguely familiar... :)

I believe it's "Fatimids" by the way...
Test battles against @Nelson1812 have been set up ... looks like critical period for the Andalusians and the Viking kingdom... we start with the Aleppo and Transylvania battles.

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Testing continues ... campaign now entering 6th year...recently played through the FALL and WINTER and SPRING mustering... and we're into the first Campaign Season Turn and all hell breaks loose...


North to south...

1. Anglo-Saxons invade Norway with a big fleet and army (after spending more than a year saving up for the expedition and building ships) ... Viking army in Denmark at the moment, probably will cross over to Norway to try and defeat the invaders.

2. The Germans invade the Kingdom of Poland ... battle ensues.

3. French advance further into Spain and invade Granada ... battle ensues ... Andalusians will fight desperately to keep the Franks out -- recent fighting hasn't gone the Saracens' way.

4. The Normans in Italy are not campaigning at the moment -- short of funds -- took a little longer to get Croatia back under control after the province rebelled in the previous year.

5. The Pechenegs are active again and raid into Transylvania and meet a Hungarian army there

6. The Byzantines deploy their fleets again to strangle the Fatamid's income from Cyprus and muster a large army and invade the Aleppo Sultanate as a buffer against the Dailami.

7. After recent setbacks against the invading Persian Dailamis... the Fatamids spend every last piece of gold and manpower to get the biggest army they can raise to try and recapture Mosul... will be the third battle for the province in a row.

Test battles against @Nelson1812 have been set up ... looks like critical period for the Andalusians and the Viking kingdom... we start with the Aleppo and Transylvania battles.

If you guys find that on a given turn you need an extra hand, I can fight some test battles.
If you guys find that on a given turn you need an extra hand, I can fight some test battles.

@Wellsonian -- you and @Nelson1812 can fight the battle in GRANADA, Spain.

@Nelson1812 will set it up -- he can pick the sides, if you're okay with that?

Standard 1200 points both sides battle, so there's no customisation:

French (888 - 1049 AD) vs Andalusian (756 - 1049 AD)

Map: anything Mediterranean will do.

Good luck.

Just post or send me the final screen with the casualties for processing.
I think this is working ... now just gotta find the time to finalise and type up the rules... work has gone nuts again -- final frenzy before end of the year. (as a freelancer should be greatful :) )

Might not be ready for sign-ups before mid-December :cry:

What I can't really test out is how the diplomacy and possible alliances would affect the campaign play... I guess we'll find out once we dive into the deep end.

If FOG II gets a new update moving into the early medieval period proper, it'll be easy to move the campaign along as well.
Testing continues on and off... in a reversal of history, the Anglo-Saxon Kingdom invades Norway ... the relieving Viking army is decisively crushed in battle ... the dismemberment of the Kingdom of Denmark might be in the offing, if they can't get allies to help out.

German Kings got themselves entangled in Poland -- after defeating the Poles in battle and busy besieging the territory, a large allied army of Viking Rus have attacked and a brutal battle is in progress, so far the Germans are not having things go their way...

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Here the strategic map updated into the 1st Campaign Season of Year 7 -- after some slowing down, play testing is resuming...


Anglo-Saxons have captured Norway -- but after defeating the Viking army, the siege dragged on through FALL into Winter turn and that cost so much in resources, they are basically broke at the moment.
(invading and maintaining overseas possessions against hostile locals is an expensive undertaking) ;-)

The Vikings built a new fleet and sallied forth to contest the North Sea, but that ended badly for them ... the Anglo-Saxons prevail (for the moment)

The Vikings mustered an army to retake Norway, but the Germans, sensing Viking weakness invaded and the Viking army was sent south to defend Denmark.

The French and Andalusians signed a temporary truce and are off in other directions.

The Andalusians off to try and conquer Tripolitania and dominate the north African shore. (they deployed a fleet into the Thyrennian Sea to support this advance, as armies can only attack along the desert coasts with naval supply support.

The French have mustered an army in Burgundy and attacked the rich province of north Italian Lombardy, which rebelled against its Norman overlords at the end of the previous year while their army was busy in Serbia. The Lombards have only mustered a small army of 8 SP's and have been in meantime been soundly defeated.

The Kingdom of Sicily Normans only mustered an army of 10 SP's to retake Lombardy, but sat back to see how the French would do ... and must now decide if they have to counter-attack the French...

In the SPRING muster, the Byzantines mustered a large army in CILICIA to continue campaigning against the Fatamids, but a revolt broke out in MACEDONIA, and they disbanded the eastern army and quickly mustered a smaller 2nd army in THRACE (all this costing an absolute fortune in resources)

Meanwhile the ongoing naval contest for the LEVANT has swung in favour of the Fatamids again, as they fortified MOSUL, built a back up fleet and launched a naval campaign against the Byzantine fleets in the Levant -- sinking one and damaging the other which has retreated to CRETE for repairs.

Now all I need is for a clear weekend to write up the rules in simple and clear form -- and we're good to go for an epic campaign :)
How was the naval warfare handled in this? I didn't think FOG had a naval component.
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