Field of Glory II: Empire Builders

@Rico - The Badger Kingdoms seek new real estate in LUSITANIA. We hear that Portuguese wines are pretty good.
@Wellsonian - challenge created by Badger73 on 21 MAR 2020 8:50 AM. Password = "HailFGM"
Same forces as the Slitherine tournament but the map will likely be different.

@Rico - The sun sets upon blood drenched hills in LUSITANIA. Native armies defeated Sertorius.

Very fun games! Well played as usual by Badger73. (btw, My score was 57% - 31%). I enjoyed the armies, and am surprised at the Lusitanians coming out on top. I think it was the massive skirmisher advantage, plus the two Legions available to the Lusitanians (both Badger and I took both).

But this is the part of scoring in this game that I'm not a fan of, especially in mirrored games. I guess I shouldn't have won so fast in the first game by gaining a 25% + advantage before we hit the 60% threshold? Somehow I'm supposed to drag it out and not go for the quicker victory in hopes of driving up the score? Which is the better victory? If I hadn't crossed the 25% threshold, I had a Legion unit dead to rights. I'm questioning this for our next campaign event, not trying to change our rules for this one. We must stay consistent. Perhaps next time, a quick victory is designated a Major victory (2 points), while a drag it out battle that crosses 60% is called a Minor victory (1 point). If both games end up tied in the same category, then we go to the percentages. Just a thought, because ultimately it really doesn't matter much. We still get to play the game regardless, so mission accomplished!
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Very fun games! Well played as usual by Badger73. (btw, My score was 57% - 31%). I enjoyed the armies, and am surprised at the Lusitanians coming out on top. I think it was the massive skirmisher advantage, plus the two Legions available to the Lusitanians (both Badger and I took both).

But this is the part of scoring in this game that I'm not a fan of, especially in mirrored games. I guess I shouldn't have won so fast in the first game by gaining a 25% + advantage before we hit the 60% threshold? Somehow I'm supposed to drag it out and not go for the quicker victory in hopes of driving up the score? Which is the better victory? If I hadn't crossed the 25% threshold, I had a Legion unit dead to rights. I'm questioning this for our next campaign event, not trying to change our rules for this one. We must stay consistent. Perhaps next time, a quick victory is designated a Major victory (2 points), while a drag it out battle that crosses 60% is called a Minor victory (1 point). If both games end up tied in the same category, then we go to the percentages. Just a thought, because ultimately it really doesn't matter much. We still get to play the game regardless, so mission accomplished!

Good points and good idea on the scoring.

Would be easy to change from now on — thoughts?
@Nelson1812 @Badger73
@Nelson1812 and I had one of those swirling, messy all-cavalry steppe battles in SKYTHIS -- keeping those nomad archer cavalry units in any kind of formation is like herding cats once they start pursuing. (but it was hell of a lot of fun, though)

Anyway, he came out on top +30% to +22%

FIELDOFGLORY2 2020-03-24 18-47-29-193.jpg

The @Badger73 Empire now streaking ahead after grabbing LUSITANIA.

So here how it stands:

FOG-Empire Builders 006a.jpg

Next battles random draw (same opponents as last time):

1. @Badger73 (Picks region and sets up battle) vs @Wellsonian

2. @Nelson1812 (Picks region and sets up battle) vs @Rico

I suggest we change to Wellsonian's idea:

1. A quick 40% victory is deemed a Major Victory and scores 2 points

2. A slower 60% victory is deemed a Minor Victory and scores 1 point.

Only if both battles end in the same victory level, % points are compared.

I am happy to go with that ... thoughts?

Or either way -- point is to have fun and play all these armies you never get to usually play -- enjoying it despite my losing streak ;)
Thanks for posting the results @Rico had some RL issues ...
My x-wife fell and hurt herself and we had to contact our doctor friends (as you can appreciate was difficult) to confirm the head wound did not need her to go to hospital.
Somewhere everybody should be avoiding as they now have become hot-spots. She well and now staying with my daughter.
Thanks for posting the results @Rico had some RL issues ...
My x-wife fell and hurt herself and we had to contact our doctor friends (as you can appreciate was difficult) to confirm the head wound did not need her to go to hospital.
Somewhere everybody should be avoiding as they now have become hot-spots. She well and now staying with my daughter.
No problem -- RL definitely comes first -- hope it's nothing serious and she's ok.
I suggest we change to Wellsonian's idea:
1. A quick 40% victory is deemed a Major Victory and scores 2 points
2. A slower 60% victory is deemed a Minor Victory and scores 1 point.
Only if both battles end in the same victory level, % points are compared.

I am happy to go with that ... thoughts?
Or either way -- point is to have fun and play all these armies you never get to usually play -- enjoying it despite my losing streak ;)

I have no preference. Whatever all ya'll prefer is fine with me.

Next battles random draw (same opponents as last time):
1. @Badger73 (Picks region and sets up battle) vs @Wellsonian
2. @Nelson1812 (Picks region and sets up battle) vs @Rico

The Badger Kingdoms seek good meat to wash down with our newly procured Portuguese wines. We battle for Kielbasa!
@Wellsonian - Let's meet in 11th Century HERCYNIA and tour Grunwald four centuries before the Teutonic Order arrives.
--> Polish 966-1057 versus Germans 933-1049 AD <-- I'll set it up later today and ping you when it's ready.
I have no preference. Whatever all ya'll prefer is fine with me.

The Badger Kingdoms seek good meat to wash down with our newly procured Portuguese wines. We battle for Kielbasa!
@Wellsonian - Let's meet in 11th Century HERCYNIA and tour Grunwald four centuries before the Teutonic Order arrives.
--> Polish 966-1057 versus Germans 933-1049 AD <-- I'll set it up later today and ping you when it's ready.

These armies are going to be fun!
...and, as I thought ... that one string of SIX bad die rolls in the same turn gave @Nelson1812 enough breathing space to keep the winning percentage down so that overall had no chance of winning the mirror battle.

Well done on the other battle result ... I think I lose 24% to 16% overall (both went to 60%) -- I am officially giving up hope of ever winning these mirror matches at any reasonable rate. :(

Anyway, BRITANNIA INFERIOR is now part of the Red Empire.

FOG-Empire Builders 006c.jpg

PS: How does rallying work? I have now played earlier abttles where the enemy have basically lost all their leaders and their units rally left right and centre ... and on my side, with all leaders still there -- nada, not a single unit recovers or rallies.
Is it purely random?... because it makes no sense at all.
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