Hello everyone, I'm eager to play!

I had commodore 64 with tape deck, lol, used to pirate most of my games from friend who had loads, as could only buy a few games as was about 10 years old, only problem was the pirated games, had very little band on tap so spent hours trying to get game to load using little screw driver to ajust head position, could litteraly spend hours just trying to load up next game. the "good" old days.
I had commodore 64 with tape deck, lol, used to pirate most of my games from friend who had loads, as could only buy a few games as was about 10 years old, only problem was the pirated games, had very little band on tap so spent hours trying to get game to load using little screw driver to ajust head position, could litteraly spend hours just trying to load up next game. the "good" old days.

One of my Favourite games on the 64 i remember playing Kammpergruffe or however you spell and defender of the crown
One of my Favourite games on the 64 i remember playing Kammpergruffe or however you spell and defender of the crown

never played those, remember bobble bobble , Aztec challenge and some Vietnam game in jungle, but a while ago now and memory not so good anymore
@GCF Tape drive? Hahaha, you poor plebeian. I had a 1541 floppy disk drive! Braap, braap, BRAAAAAP!

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Hell seeing that pic was exactly what i had...I remember watching that little red light making that noise as it was reading the disk and going off to make a cuppa whilst it did its work
never played those, remember bobble bobble , Aztec challenge and some Vietnam game in jungle, but a while ago now and memory not so good anymore
Yes i had the Vietnam game...and the other one in the Series was Decision in the Desert..On startup you got the " Its along way to Tipparary"
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I was just sitting here looking around and my god how far have we come, has it really that long ago, feeling very very old now, but no worries, atleast now I don't need screw driver and hours of pacence to play the game I want.
anyone use to get programing books for c64, I was so proud of myself when I copies in a program to make a balloon go down the screen diagnaly.
You had an Amiga 500 too? Awesome! What a great system. So sad that Commodore failed (probably because of us pirates)......

Yah, But i got my first real War game on the Amiga..The original war in the East and Silent surface..And after the CD 64 what a step up ..and going to the 3 and half floppy over the 5" there was no turning back
@Def , you are probably wondering what on earth is going on with your intro thread. Allow me to explain, it has been hijacked by middle aged gamers!

Hahaha! It's alright, guys. Please, continue your conversation. It's interesting to read!
middle age I wish, feel even older, and am fedup of scrolling further and further down the list, every year, soon when a form asks for age ill just have to scroll down to the bottom, and tick the box that say year of birth as "other".
Def don't worry most threads started on forums here, go off on a tangent, its normal :eek:
middle age I wish, feel even older, and am fedup of scrolling further and further down the list, every year, soon when a form asks for age ill just have to scroll down to the bottom, and tick the box that say year of birth as "other".
Def don't worry most threads started on forums here, go off on a tangent, its normal :eek:

Yup, those years of youth and old battle scars come back to haunt you...Like Badger i wish i felt middle aged
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but we have all the memories, and experience, to be honest I'm never worries about my age, as it really means nothing, every day is a bonus and would not change a think, and never wish to go back, also helps that I forget how old I actually am and as they keep on changing it on me every just and my poor noggin can not keep up.
but we have all the memories, and experience, to be honest I'm never worries about my age, as it really means nothing, every day is a bonus and would not change a think, and never wish to go back, also helps that I forget how old I actually am and as they keep on changing it on me every just and my poor noggin can not keep up.
Wel lsaid said...Its all attitude, Like your self im actually enjoying the experience of getting older as so many people i know never got the chance, plus i appreciate other stuff i never did before and im still having a really good time...just cant run as fast etc but dont matter...Anyway us all here are not that far over the hill if we still enjoy getting mixing our wits againts others in games like this. The day you say your to old for this then you are.
Hello Def, welcome to THE FEW GOOD MEN! :)
Good to have you with us!
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