Newb looking for someone: PBEM/CMBN

Because of my internet here at home (0.6 Kb-YES 600 bits per second) I finally got your request downloaded.

I'm curious. In this day and age, which internet service provides 0.6 Kb per second? Mind you, my first modem was 1200 baud on my Commodore 64. ;-)

Here are two screenshots of my current internet speed. I have Charter cable broadband service. The first is Asheville, NC. which is about 65 miles from me, the other is Los Angeles, CA, which is around 2300 miles away.

Screenshot 2018-12-27 16.30.13.pngScreenshot 2018-12-27 16.31.52.png

I wonder what other member's internet speeds are like. Perhaps I should start a thread about this?
I have a MiFi Verizon 4GLTE with unlimited data. From what I have been told the tower has a limited coverage area and I am on the cusp of the limit:( My only other option is to get satellite internet which I am told sucks almost as much as my Verizon does. Sometimes I do get 7-8 K and once I saw 13K while downloading.....
Where I live I have 2 option, pay an outrageous price (around $99.00 a month) for satellite or pay $39.00 a month for shitty DSL (6mbs). I have the latter as it works for my Netflix and I can view the internet fairly fast. I'd love to have faster internet but I won't pay 100 bucks a month for it. I have an antenna for my TV cause I just won't pay 50-60 bucks a month for shitty TV.

Just sayin..
Cable is not available for me.
Hey thats rush for anything....Sounds abit third world where u are, I thought the USA was a first world nation ?
There we go...All setup. Ones cash doesnt seem to go far defending, so much stuff i want to buy but cant afford
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