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Greetings all. I am a career US Army Artilleryman and history buff. I have been following Hapless’ YouTube channel (as well as a few others) for a while and recently purchased CMSF2. Been playing the AI for a month and getting closer to trying my hand at H2H. Glad to have found this group and plan on maintaining the strong tradition of good natured critique heavily laden with snark.
Big welcome to the Club @Boone The Few Good Men are welcoming you!.... You will find a lot of interesting people here
Please check out the links which are there to help you

If you have any questions or need some help with the site, please feel free to contact our official welcome committee member Hedgehog and Shorker. he will be happy to assist you. Just click on the names in the members list or underneath the avatar picture and then on "Start A Conversation" or reply
... the strong tradition of good natured critique heavily laden with snark.
@Boone Thank you for your service, but seeing how there's an element of WOT players here that will curse arty 'til the cows come home ( in the context of WoT, of course), you might want to ratchet your snark up to the talking SHEEET level. Welcome aboard amigo! You'll fit right in among us.
@HOA_KSOP, as the decisive arm of war, the King of Battle must often suffer the mewlings of the lesser arms. We find amusement watching tankers and the infantry wander around the battlefield while the artillerymen decide it’s outcome.

Welcome to the club! Please enjoy a doughnut and some coffee while you look about.