Royal Ulster Rifles in Cyprus 1957/58

To be honest my father has terminal cancer and the doctors prognosis is he only has a few days left which is very sad. I will note your details down and take them to Northern Ireland with me when I head home as I know for a fact a few of his old 'stickies' (RUR colleagues) will be at the service and they may have a good idea. I sent you Dave Cranstons email address also and he is very knowledgeable of that time and place. Enjoy your trip.... I visited in 2001 and it was amazing.

I have a load more pictures of Dad in and around Famagusta and the Troodos mountains and when everything is done and dusted I will start uploading them for your viewing pleasure.
Hello Shane, i'm so sorry about your Dad I would have loved to have spoken to him. The family all live in East Belfast but Frankie lives in Ballymena and I haven't seen him since his ex wife Sadie died, also of Cancer a few months back, and he is not in of the best of health himself. Quite a few of the Regiment Men settled around here or Ballymena when they retired from the Army. And I chatted with them over the years, but maybe it's my age is making me look back at happy times then with the Regiment. I don't know if you have family here, but If there is anything I can do for you please let me know. I would love to see pictures on your page but fully understand why it will be a while. God Bless and I'll remember you all in prayer. Regards Catherine
Thanks Catherine... my family are all over the place.... Ballymena, Ballymoney but most are in Antrim. Its amazing the kinship developed by soldiers in the same regiment. I was home last weekend with my father and an old boy turned up to see him... said he was an old friend. Turned out he was ex Ulster Rifles and heard the bad news and wanted to see my father. The last time they had been together was in 1957 in Cyprus!!! I couldnt believe it... and better yet my father knew who it was the moment he walked in. Amazing.
Wow.... in a sentimental moment decided to have a look in at this thread and see some of the old pics of my Dad. Its quite poignant that my last posts in it were on August 18th and the old boy slipped away peacefully on August 19th. I will have to get some more of his pics up... he also left me some awesome bits and pieces which I look forward to sharing eventually.
You can ask him did he know my father Trevor Greer from Antrim. Please do post up any others you may have.
First of all, please accept my condolences on the death of your father.
My mother (Duncan's sister) is in fairly regular contact by letter, and sometimes he calls her on the phone. She supplied the photos, but I'll see if there are any more. I'll certainly get her to ask Duncan if he remembers your father. Seems likely if they appear in the same photo.
Best Regards,
Ian Wilkinson
Hi my name is Catherine Neill, Tedford before marriage. My Dad served in the Royal Ulster Rifles and we lived in Famagusta in 1958 until troops were evacuated and we had to get out quickly. I have been trying to find photos of where we lived and yours are great, thanks. I would love to visit Famagusta and me, my Sister and Brother are going out to Cyprus next month. I need to try and find out if our bungalow was destroyed or if it's in part of the "Ghost Town"we won't be able to see. I was told the street name by an old mate of my Dads called Frankie Mercer, but he has no idea how to spell it. All I know is that he said it was Regus Ferrios off the Old Lamos Road? My Sister Aileen has photo's of Dad which she will bring down for my Son to put on my laptop. He was in the Troodos mountains. We have great memories of Cyprus, and remember playing in the old walled City (the Gypsies let us ride their horses bareback) and diving off the harbour wall, but we can't find any recognisable maps with the street name on it. I wonder if your Dad can remember either Frankie Mercer or my Dad Samuel Tedford.? If he can tell you anything that would help in our search I would be grateful. Sincerely Yours Catherine
i am frankie mercers grand daugther.
You can ask him did he know my father Trevor Greer from Antrim. Please do post up any others you may have.
hi do you have any pictures off my grandad frankie mercer who sadly passed away this year. i am his grand daugther julieanne mercer
As you know I served with your dad in Cyprus, if you want more pics just ask I have hundreds from those days and am still in touch with a lot of old "Stickies"
just let me know,
As you know I served with your dad in Cyprus, if you want more pics just ask I have hundreds from those days and am still in touch with a lot of old "Stickies"
just let me know,
Hi Dave just sent you an email, just wondering if you knew my grandfather his name was James Armstrong Henderson, nickname Sonny, he was based in ballymena 1955-57, in the royal ulster rifles.
Great pics mate , I'm a new member so a bit unsure how to navigate. My father served in RUR his name is Brendan Murphy use to be a champion boxer in the RUR . Just wondering if anyone can remember him I have old boxing mag a photo of my dad boxing back in 50s I will upload ,any info would be much appreciated . Cheers Murph !!
Hey my Dad was in the boxing team back in the 50's too. I dont have any pics of him in the ring but thats quite a coincidence. :)
It certainly is I will post pic and screen shot the names in the boxing mag . My dad was mentioned in a book by another ex RUR called Austin odonavan .
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@Murph I have found a picture of my father alongside a Rifleman Murphy ( so says the annotation )... of course it may not be your relative... will get it posted up tomorrow and you can let me know. :)


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Hi bootie just uploaded the pics of info I have. Photo is my Dad fighting a boxer called Tool Cyprus 60's. My dad right of pic. Cheers mate. Spk soon
Hi Dave just sent you an email, just wondering if you knew my grandfather his name was James Armstrong Henderson, nickname Sonny, he was based in ballymena 1955-57, in the royal ulster rifles.
Hi Laura sorry it took so long to reply but I have not visited the site for ages, was yourGrandfather a Corporal in Ballymena, I remember a Cpl Henderson, tall about 6'1" in charge of Anzio Squad in about December 1956 but thats about all I can recall, I don't think he came to Cyprus with us, I have looked through my 100s of pics but cannot find any with him on, if you can send me any more info I will dig some more,
Regards Dave
Hi Laura sorry it took so long to reply but I have not visited the site for ages, was yourGrandfather a Corporal in Ballymena, I remember a Cpl Henderson, tall about 6'1" in charge of Anzio Squad in about December 1956 but thats about all I can recall, I don't think he came to Cyprus with us, I have looked through my 100s of pics but cannot find any with him on, if you can send me any more info I will dig some more,
Regards Dave
Hi Dave thank you for getting back to me I am only logging on here after a while. Shane did give me your email address back in december and I had sent you an email but you maybe didn't get it. My mum isnt sure if he was a Cpl or not. She has never met him and we have been trying to track him for years. His brother Bob (Robert) was also in the army in the same regiment we believe. My mum thinks her dad went to Germany after he left Ballymena.
Hi Bootie when we spoke a while back you said about a photo (rifleman Murphy) it would much appreciated if you could upload it , thanks Murph
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