ArmA 3 Session Thursday 2nd April

Josey Wales

FGM Company Sergeant Major
Jul 22, 2016
Reaction score
Berkshire, UK
Gents I will be running a session for ArmA 3 on Thursday 2nd April at 13:00 BST.

Server name: JW FGM
Password: Josey Wales

The server can currently take 12 players max (not including me) so put your names down below.
Required mods are;

CBA_A3 -
CUP Terrains - Core -
I44_Terrains -
IFA3_Terrains_Lite -
Shack Tack User Interface -

Please ensure you have no other mods running.

Comms will be via in game VON (Voice Over Network)

House rules;

1. No team killing
2. No shooting in the base/briefing area
3. Magazines & clips to be removed from weapons whilst in the base/briefing area
4. No swearing
5. Looting of the enemy is acceptable

I will start the briefing at 13:05 BST. Please make sure you are on the server well before then so any connection issues can be sorted out prior to starting - especially if you are new to ArmA.

Please be aware that if you do arrive late you will need to sort out any problems you are having by yourself so as not to impact on everyone else's session.

Add me on Steam if you haven't done so already. Same name, same avatar, real name Jason, location UK.

Please direct anyone else here that you think might be interested.

Put your names forward below, see you in the field.

@Paleolithic Monk
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@Paleolithic Monk I managed to get some time this afternoon and Vartuoosi was around so just got on with it. You didn't miss much, just tested the connection and the revive & respawn mechanics.

The 13:00 BST was traditionally our start time as we have players from Australia, Europe and the States to try our best to accommodate. We'll stick to it this time around as changing times after the post has gone out just confuses everyone, but perhaps there is some wiggle room to make it a bit later in future if the Aussies have enough tinnies to see them through :cheerso:

The last picture you posted, is that from a downloadable scenario from the Steam workshop?

Edit: in fact if you wanted to join in a bit later that's fine, the missions tend to run between 2 & 3 hours
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@Paleolithic Monk I managed to get some time this afternoon and Vartuoosi was around so just got on with it. You didn't miss much, just tested the connection and the revive & respawn mechanics.

The 13:00 BST was traditionally our start time as we have players from Australia, Europe and the States to try our best to accommodate. We'll stick to it this time around as changing times after the post has gone out just confuses everyone, but perhaps there is some wiggle room to make it a bit later in future if the Aussies have enough tinnies to see them through :cheerso:

The last picture you posted, is that from a downloadable scenario from the Steam workshop?

Edit: in fact if you wanted to join in a bit later that's fine, the missions tend to run between 2 & 3 hours
The Soviet picture is just me messing around with the ArmA 3 editor and using various poses mods and splendid camera function.
Oooh, tempted!!! But I'll have to see if my machine can run ARMA3 by itself at moderately acceptable levels. I

I'll let you know
I'd love too but unfortunately I'm stuck working long hours at the moment due to the crisis and it's a weeknight. Sometimes I do wish I was under lockdown. :)
Whew! Finally got the game re-downlaoded, and then all the mods. Didn't impeded various work video calls too much!

Haven't touched it in >year, so fingers crossed for tonight....
Here's the Notepad doc I keep for these outings. Just enough time elapses between these events for me to forget. :unsure:

One thing I need to remind myself each time I play is how to toggle the voice channels.
The defaults are Comma or Period to cycle through the channels, and Caps Lock to talk.

To perform an action (like access equipment in a truck or heal someone), move close, mouse wheel up or down, then space bar.

X = crouch
Z = prone
V = step over obstacle

Left Shift = hold breath / sprint
Left Alt = free look

K = compass
M = map
B = binoculars

F = weapon fire mode
R = reload
G = grenade
Cntrl G to cycle through the grenade types
Here's the Notepad doc I keep for these outings. Just enough time elapses between these events for me to forget. :unsure:

One thing I need to remind myself each time I play is how to toggle the voice channels.
The defaults are Comma or Period to cycle through the channels, and Caps Lock to talk.

To perform an action (like access equipment in a truck or heal someone), move close, mouse wheel up or down, then space bar.

X = crouch
Z = prone
V = step over obstacle

Left Shift = hold breath / sprint
Left Alt = free look

K = compass
M = map
B = binoculars

F = weapon fire mode
R = reload
G = grenade
Cntrl G to cycle through the grenade types

Legendary tx!
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