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Went to the grocery store this morning at Geezer time (They set aside an hour for Geezers on Tues/Thurs) everything wa s well stocked although I did cruise the store to see what the latest stuff to hoard is. Apparently this week its various Spices. The Chili powder and Cumin were all gone, along with Garlic powder. Thank God they’re not hoarding coffee yet. We have a fairly large Hispanic population, maybe they took it for making Tamales in that case “Well Done”
Did the same.
My store seems to "almost" be back to a "normal" inventory on its shelves. They still have some limit-per-sale items in place, but for the most part is pretty good.
Short or out of dry pasta and rice still. Canned goods are much better recently. Deli is good, but hot items section was closed. Produce section was better then it has been for quite a while. Still no TP or paper towels. What is it with that!?
There was NO line to get in for the first time in over a month, although the amount of people allowed in the store at any given time is still controlled. Wish someone would explain to me why Safeway (and other food stores) thinks we are all safer with one-way aisles. With so few people in the store, at any given time, I was mostly keeping a 20' social distance.
I took my Kindle to read just in case. Last week it took me 55 minutes to get though check out. No real line for check out either. Unfortunately, I was so excited about getting through the process so quickly and on my way home...I forgot my Kindle, leaving it on the grocery cart!
It will be two weeks before Amazon can deliver me another. :oops:
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