Welcome to The Few Good Men

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Important Post About The Future of The FGM

I know I´m a little late on this.
But I got a couple of WDS titles. Smolensk 41, and Panzer battles North Africa.
They are great easy going games that don´t require to overclock your brain to finish a turn - such as CM sometimes does.
Just to chip in very late...

My absence is due to real life craziness with most of 2023 so far involving 10 - 12 hours work days and exhausted weekends. Oh plus some work for Battlefront now to get battlepack for CMBN to you all at some point. Any day to day help from people with less demanding day jobs/retirees/ lottery winners to keep things ticking over appreciated. :)

Customary Taylor Swift meme.

Just to chip in very late...

My absence is due to real life craziness with most of 2023 so far involving 10 - 12 hours work days and exhausted weekends. Oh plus some work for Battlefront now to get battlepack for CMBN to you all at some point. Any day to day help from people with less demanding day jobs/retirees/ lottery winners to keep things ticking over appreciated. :)

Customary Taylor Swift meme.

View attachment 29542

Welcome to Real Life (TM) brother.

I plan to retire in five years. At that point, should FGM still be a thing, I'll be available to help out. :)
Thank you bootie!!

I just signed up as a monthly patron. There are 22 of us in there and we can do better !!

Thank you for the awesome site.