M'Lords -- here is the situation at start of TURN 3.

The Kingdom of France has won the frontier battle and is carrying on the battle into FLANDERS.

Kingdom of England has held on to GASCONY by defeating the attackers from The County of Toulouse.

King of France faction has 1 initiative points.

King of England faction has 1 initiative point.

Burgundy and Toulouse are on the defensive for this turn.

Faction commanders -- PM me your orders please!

FOG II medieval TURN 3aa.jpg

@Mad Mike @HOA_KSOP @mTk @Jolly Olly @Alpha Zwo
@olaf @Badger73


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My good sir.....When last seen, the forces of the Duke of Burgundy were fleeing for their lives on the northern frontier. It is the brave and fearless Duke of Bourbon who's forces won the day and are carrying the fight on to Flanders in an effort to tame the wild ambitions of the mad Burgundian Duke. Do no sully the reputation of the French!!! :D:D:D
My good sir.....When last seen, the forces of the Duke of Burgundy were fleeing for their lives on the northern frontier. It is the brave and fearless Duke of Bourbon who's forces won the day and are carrying the fight on to Flanders in an effort to tame the wild ambitions of the mad Burgundian Duke. Do no sully the reputation of the French!!! :D:D:D

Oops -- the coffee obviously hadn't kicked in when I was updating this very early this morning. :ROFLMAO:
@Rico ...are you going to define the battle parameters? Do we go with the same force mix as the previous battle?
Orders are in -- battle commences.

Faction commanders, please assign commanders. Attacker sets up the battle.

FOG II medieval TURN 3bb.jpg


1. FLANDERS: FRANCE - @Jolly Olly (French 1155 - 1319) vs BURGUNDY - @Alpha Zwo - (German (Northwest) 1200 - 1319)

2. AQUITAINE: ENGLAND - @olaf - (English 1155-1271) vs TOULOUSE - @Rico - (Bretons 1155 - 1319)
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Yo, @Rico and @Jolly Olly. The Turn Two battle for BOURBON was not a meeting engagement but rather a French attack victory seizing the province itself. Should not Turn 3 show it wholly in French possession? That would also provide the French 2 Initiative Points for Turn 3 as well, not so? The sainted friar who taught mathematics in my family castle was always shaking his head during my lessons though . . . o_O

Long Live the King - turn 2.PNG
Yo, @Rico and @Jolly Olly. The Turn Two battle for BOURBON was not a meeting engagement but rather a French attack victory seizing the province itself. Should not Turn 3 show it wholly in French possession? That would also provide the French 2 Initiative Points for Turn 3 as well, not so? The sainted friar who taught mathematics in my family castle was always shaking his head during my lessons though . . . o_O

View attachment 22998
@Badger73 -- thanks for pointing out the map error :cool: -- BOURBON has indeed reverted back to King of FRANCE possession.
(maps above updated to reflect this)

The initiative point count for the FRANCE faction is however correct.

You have ONE point for the BOURBON victory.

Your earned ONE point for the Meeting Engagement Victory -- and you chose use it up to immediately carry on the advance into FLANDERS.

That leaves FRANCE with ONE initiative point.

From the rules:

The winner of this battle then has the option to either continue the fight next turn in the opposing territory, or take the Initiative Point for the victory and attack somewhere else in the next


(the advantage this gives the winner of the ME is that the losing side cannot launch an immediate counter-attack to make it another ME battle in the turn immediately following the original ME battle -- so the fight moves into his territory)

PS: Never a bad thing to have campaign players paying attention and keeping the GM honest :ROFLMAO:
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Alas, a crushing defeat in AQUITAINE for the armies of Toulouse at the hands of the English under the command of the nefarious @olaf The Black Prince... the province shall revert back to the yoke of English rule for the next turn.

FOG II medieval TURN 3c.jpg

@Jolly Olly @Alpha Zwo -- How goes the battle for FLANDERS?
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New game is up for anyone playing France on the other side. PW: 1234

Look for schmolywar
Nah :) Its just the Black Prince being a bit too eager and impatient My King will announce soon enough!
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