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Patch 1.01 released

I am currently in 4 pbem games. Two of my opponents have upgraded, while two haven't. I will patch as soon as a third opponent patches, allowing me to continue with a majority of my games.
OK, upgraded. Now I get a blank black screen when I try to start the game. Now I can't even play non-upgraded games. Im on a PC, not a Mac.
BFRONT CMBN forum might be worthwhile keeping an eye on-

Thanks POS, I have been watching, and there is nothing about patch fails except for the MAC version, which has been addressed.
I have submitted a request for Tech Support, but no telling how responsive they will be.
I had to quit 2 pbem games since upgrade. (pc)
Both pbem files were corrupted.
This is what I picked up off The Blitz:

"It means you must manually save during the command phase of a PBEM game, THEN patch, THEN load the saved, finish the turn, and send it. I tried to simply install the patch and load a PBEM file, and the game freezes and crashes continuously.

So you either need to wait and do this for all of your PBEM games at once, or set up a different .exe and do them at your convenience."
Haven't heard back from BF Tech Support yet (weekend), so I stripped the first DL of the patch out and trashed it. Went to a different DL site and grabbed a fresh DL of the patch. Loaded the patch and got the same black screen when I tried to start the game.
Im thinking my patch prob has something to do with running on XP, so time to fire up my laptop and see if I have any trouble with Win 7...end result was the same. That narrows the problem down to something I am doing is wrong, since I could duplicate the prob on 2 different computers. Anyone know where I can find a step by step tutorial on how to set up this patch? I currently have the DL'd patch on my Desktop. Where do I put the zipped file before I extract it (WInRar)? My CMBN files are located in C:programs/battlefront/CMBN/CMBN, that is where I direct the patch to go. Anyone see anything obviously wrong? At the end of the patch exe, I get a pop up indicating a prob with my license, it offers me the chance to browse for it. Anyone know what this program is looking for regarding my license? Where do I browse to get the correct license info? My original license came with my DL of the game, not my disc.
I get a pop up indicating a prob with my license, it offers me the chance to browse for it. Anyone know what this program is looking for regarding my license? Where do I browse to get the correct license info? My original license came with my DL of the game, not my disc.

I think that's where your problem lies...with the licensing key. You shouldn't have got a pop up asking for the license key, unless it couldn't locate it in your computer files. Try copying the license directly from BF after you log in (because I always have problem typing it in and be care on coping the license key since they have extra characters added to it). They will keep your license key for a year if you bought directly from Battlefront. If you bought the game as a CD, reinstall it the game and reenter your license key very carefully. Lastly print off your license key and keep it safe with your CD's of the same.
If this doesn't help contact BF customer services directly for assistance.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news
Like Lighthorse said - somehow the game "forgot" your license and you need to figure out how to retrieve it. I'm pretty sure, though, you'll get an immediate answer from tech support tomorrow - it's weekend after all and these guys are just demigods after all. :biggrin1:
Facman, you should be able to get your license key yourself too, without BF assistance, by logging onto BF, enter your account, go to where your game's licenses are saved, copy the license information, paste it into notebook, save that on your desktop for later use, reinstall CMBN, go to notebook save, copy license key again and enter it when CMBN ask for it. Saved the notebook license key somewhere safe for future use...you will need it again years to come.
I don't need BF to get my license, it is in the e-mail that I got when I bought my digital DL. I just need to know where to put it, so that it can be found by the program. There is a file in the CMBN folder on my computer, it is called...LicCM Normandy.ini , what is that for if not to hold my license? I have used that file when the pop-up asks for my license info, but still get the black death screen.