Final Blitzkrieg - messing about with campaign ideas

Sooo ... there I was yesterday evening hacking the very interesting map from this Battle of the Bulge game through various nefarious screenshot methods and got thinking that this "area control" type map could form the basis for a quick & fun Battle of the Bulge campaign using CMFB

So I mocked up some counters using unit graphics imported & adapted from the Panzer Corps games -- and today got in touch with @Nathangun -- maybe this could form basis for a "reboot" of his excellent Bulge campaign - using a lot of the good ideas in that like the company-sized mini-division OOB's.


The area control map makes for possibly faster battling and maneuvering across the map than a hexagon map?
Anyway ... back to RL work ... will leave this here so long ;)

Terrific idea. In a very short time, you have come up with a great idea and the visuals to make it happen. I am glad to be a member of FGM because of people like you and everyone else in FGM.

Thank you for sharing your ideas.
The counters for the German OOB (as far as divisions and brigades go) -- still thinking about adding slow-moving Korps or Armee HQ counters to base heavy arty support on -- there are also the Skorzeny commando units to add in as well.

Divisions will contain attached StuG, Hetzer, JgdPz assets -- still also thinking if wanting to give all the Tiger Abteilungen and the StuPz Brummbaer unit its own counter.

Divisions will also have differing unit quality levels -- either Green, Regular or Veteran.

Air support will be abstracted - so any attached Flak or AA units will feature as ground fire support units.

Frack me those are sexy @Rico . Setup a kickstarter for a new boardgame, and we'll all be pledging in no time! :cool:

Better yet, I reckon they'd look damn hot as signature line icons for our games: replace mine with:


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