Hello from Germany



Hello there,

I am a 26 year old bloke from Germany, searching for more in depth gaming experiences, as I am kinda unsatisfied with all those shallow games on the market.
Only yesterday I have found CM and I am planning on purchasing one of those in the near future (today or tomorrow, really). As it is most likely I will be spending much time with CM in the future, I had a look for a nice community. So I have read a few threads to get a good impression of your general behaviour, and I got the impression that you are a tightly knit community, and I am looking forward to be part of this community (even though the first thread I read was Titan, boasting for his dear life).

As gaming is my daily outlet for my depression, it is more than just rest and recreation for me. And even though I am not really poor, those prices for CM are a bit much for just a hit & miss. I have watched a few videos on CMFB, but I really want to get some opinions and/or recommendations of you seasoned CM Veterans. I don't really mind the setting as long as there are many people who play the game. Also I am a big sucker for mods, but a healthy modding community would just be a bonus.

If you have any more questions, ask away. I kinda suck at introducing myself, so any open questions will likely be answered later :D

And if you found any typos or words which have been used wrong, as stated, I am from germany. English is not my native tongue :p

Kind regards.
Hi Tant,
Welcome aboard the good ship FGM. Your english is great - better than most Ami's I suggest!
Plenty of mods if you are that way inclined. The AI will give you a decent game, so cut your teeth there.
But the most fun is playing online via the WEGO method. Most of us play that way online.
Hope you enjoy the CM2 series,
Grüss Gott, Kamerad! Willkommen bei der besten Kriegspielende Gemeinschaft auf der Internet. And that is all the German I can mis-pronounce besides "Wo ist der Bier Karte?" and "Wieviel kostet die Bratwurst?". Your English is very good and you will find several German compatriots and Scandanavian German speakers already here at FGM.

You should soon receive @Hedgehog's Welcome Wagon hand-outs! They make good reading.

My opinion regarding Combat Mission purchase choices are these. I favor and play only WW2 titles.
#1 - CMBN with all modules and Vehicle Pack. This is most robust CMx2 game offering with the greatest number of mods and scenario's.​
#2 - CMFI wtih GL and soon to be released R2V. This offers the most diverse troop types and covers a period of the war with the most equal balance in troop types and vehicles. AXIS forces are still robust. ALLIED forces do not yet dominate. Sicily and Italy saw some very interesting unit Orders of Battle as well.​
#3 - CMFB. This offers German Panzers at their best with ALLIES fielding forces capable of taking them on.​

I do not play CMRT because I just don't have the time to take it on without sacrificing my ability to play these other three modules. Those who do play it, enjoy it. Their comments will appear here shortly. Then there is the Modern Era which I don't own and leave others to talk about.

Don't let @Titan scare you off! We use him to separate the men from the boys . . . ;)

When you are ready to play H2H, consider using CMHelper to manage your matches.
Then, post your first request for a match either here or at the forum for the game(s) you own.
Welcome warmly to The Few Good Men, @Tantarantula. Good luck and good gaming! Hab' Spaß!! :cheerso:
Welcome aboard, I can honestly say that the FGM (Few Good Men) is the best online community that I have ever been a part of and that CM is the best game I've ever played.

As for a first purchase, you'll get a lot of opinions on that. You need to decide first if you prefer modern era or WW2. I am biased towards WW2 so would obviously recommend one of those titles over a modern one.

@Badger73 gives a good breakdown. In the WW2 setting most people play CMBN (Battle For Normandy), the base game is $60 (as are all the other base games) so this is probably the best place to start. I am not sure if it comes patched to v4.01 so if it doesn't you will need to do this. With just a base game you will be limited to the number of scenarios to play compared to having all the modules, vehicle and battlepacks, however, there is still more than enough content to get you started and plenty of additional scenarios that can be downloaded from The Scenario Depot.

See you on the battlefield!
Big welcome to the Club @Tantarantula The Few Good Men are welcoming you!.... You will find a lot of interesting people here
Please check out the links which are there to help you


If you have any questions or need some help with the site, please feel free to contact our official welcome committee member Hedgehog and Shorker. he will be happy to assist you. Just click on the names in the members list or underneath the avatar picture and then on "Start A Conversation" or reply
Young man, Firstly forget about the Deutschmarks!!! ....Its games like this is the reason you have them. Worth every penny. Playing other people in this game will take you on a roll coaster ride you have never been on before...An emotional one...You will experience...........Moments of Laughter, Tears of Joy, Elation, Relief, The feeling of hopelessness, Rage/Anger, and one the Meat grinder is very familiar with when up against me "Total despair and fraustration"

This is one of the most realistic PC war games i have ever played and is as close to real life warfare and tactics a pc game can be bar none, it's class. The challange in testing your witts against another human is something people have been doing for thousands of years, take chess for example. But unlike and all the commander and conquer click fests etc this has so many dimensions to it..And not only games tactics and Strategy its just as important to manage you yourself your thoughts and emotions at the same time, you lose a critical unit in a tense battle you need to slow yourself down at times before making a decision that will dig a deeper hole...don't ever make a decision when feeling emotional!!!!!!! Feelings are always temporary...lose a key unit take five and have a schnapps. The players here are ruthless and unforgiving and love the challange and love to win, but despite that it is all in a very light hearted and fun in nature......You want to step into this world then put your helmut on and go for it, this game will test your character in many ways. Think of this as the R18 movie in the game world.

FYI don't worry to much about Meat Grinder he cuts his teeth on the new people he will be eyeing you up for a game soon....name sounds fierce but that's about as scary as he gets. All in all this game is a great way to chill after a tough day :)
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Young man, Firstly forget about the Deutschmarks!!! ....Its games like this is the reason you have them. Worth every penny. Playing other people in this game will take you on a roll coaster ride you have never been on before...An emotional one...You will experience...........Moments of Laughter, Tears of Joy, Elation, Relief, The feeling of hopelessness, Rage/Anger, and one the Meat grinder is very familiar with when up against me "Total despair and fraustration"

This is one of the most realistic PC war games i have ever played and is as close to real life warfare and tactics a pc game can be bar none, it's class. The challange in testing your witts against another human is something people have been doing for thousands of years, take chess for example. But unlike and all the commander and conquer click fests etc this has so many dimensions to it..And not only games tactics and Strategy its just as important to manage you yourself your thoughts and emotions at the same time, you lose a critical unit in a tense battle you need to slow yourself down at times before making a decision that will dig a deeper hole...don't ever make a decision when feeling emotional!!!!!!! Feelings are always temporary...lose a key unit take five and have a schnapps. The players here are ruthless and unforgiving and love the challange and love to win, but despite that it is all in a very light hearted and fun in nature......You want to step into this world then put your helmut on and go for it, this game will test your character in many ways. Think of this as the R18 movie in the game world.

FYI don't worry to much about Meat Grinder he cuts his teeth on the new people he will be eyeing you up for a game soon....name sounds fierce but that's about as scary as he gets. All in all this game is a great way to chill after a tough day :)

Damn, that was almost eloquent! Will wonders never cease? ;)
Greetings @Tantarantula

Welcome to the "asylum for distressed persons of a warlike nature" where all your needs will be ignored by our underpaid staff (that was close). It's not very pretty here but the grubs not bad, the banter is depressing and you may spend more time figuring out what's going on than playing.

In other words it's a "safe space" for gaming militarists of uncertain bent. I mean even beings such as Titan, Zinzan & the Meat's are tolerated here, so it must be the good place. :)

Great intro by the way & your english is clearer than that used by the multiple colonials who claim to be native English speakers on the web. :) Anyway time for the medics to blunt their needles on me so I'm going to go and play hide and seek with the nice man with the jacket.....

Have funnies
Hello Tantarantula , welcome to THE FEW GOOD MEN! :)
Good to have you with us!

Willkommen an der Pixelfront!

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