Hi everyone

Greetings Comrade (Hi)

Welcome to the Few Good Men, a site where the fact that ONLY a few of us are "nice" should not be a surprise :)

a) We're a respectful - in a knockabout manner - of each and every member. (thank goodness)
b) Most here are quite interested in fighting :) - but in a fun, competitive way

So Hi, enjoy, read, bicker, learn and play....
Hello Alexander, welcome to THE FEW GOOD MEN! :)
Good to have you with us!


P.S.: I'm at rest at the moment but usually I am always ready to fight in the "red thunder combat mission" as an evil GERMAN commander... :LOL:
Greetings, @Xromov! You should soon receive @Hedgehog's Welcome Wagon hand-outs! They make good reading.

You've come to the right place for PBEM CMx2. When you are ready for H2H play, consider using CMHelper to manage your matches.
Then, post your first request for a match either here or at the forum for the game(s) you own.

Welcome to The Few Good Men, tovarich! Good luck and good gaming. Have fun.
Big welcome to the Club @Xromov The Few Good Men are welcoming you!.... You will find a lot of interesting people here
Please check out the links which are there to help you


If you have any questions or need some help with the site, please feel free to contact our official welcome committee member Hedgehog and Shorker. he will be happy to assist you. Just click on the names in the members list or underneath the avatar picture and then on "Start A Conversation" or reply
Welcome, one of the simple, happy folk, dedicated to the destruction of the western civilised world as we know it! (Python - away from it all)
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