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[HOW TO] Register on the Ladder

Hi Bootie, it looks interesting but I have the same technical problem like Sempai and Cargol:
I ve created an account but no mail arrived in order to validate my account.

May you help me, please?

Thank you in advance! :)
A question, how i upload a picture for the ladder profile?
I ve copied the image code at the logo but it doesnt work.
Excellent, forward thinking, Bootie.
We of FGM salute you.

Hey Bootie great ideal always good to try and do new things...keeps us on our toes and I was tired of being number one on the CMx1 Ladder...gives me new adventures. I got my friends old cluncker going while mine is being worked on and it is slow...gives me time to read while it works...LOL . My support totally Bootie...how is the war chest doing need a little topping up yet?
I also did not receive a validation eMail.
Would you please validate the ladder account for me.