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World of Tanks Roll Call

Hi All,

I have never played WoT, and I only know about it from watching Jingles on You Tube.

Can WoT be played on a keyboard, or do you need a joy-stick....?

Is there a Demo...?

I love watching The Mighty Jingles on You Tube. It looks like a lot of fun.

What is the best way to get started...?

Thanks in advance,
@Ken F., I don't know if WoT can be run off of a joystick or not as I've never tried. I use a mouse (to aim/shoot) and w/s/d/a on the keyboard to turn & move.

If you've been watching TMJ you've been watching some of the best demos around.

As for getting started I'd just go ahead and jump in the deep end and have fun. Everybody (except for the usual vultures) is just learning at the early tier tanks so you'll have a lot of company. Pretty sure any questions you may have can be answered right here. It can be confusing at the start, but most things become familiar after you been at it a bit. WoT does have training battles available if you'd rather slide into "real" battles more carefully.

Speaking of early tier tanks, this is my youngest in my garage. Isn't he just the cutest thing? A T-2 U.S. Medium.
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I really enjoy playing the lower tier battles when I want to blow off a little steam. After a few tier 9 and 10 battles in a row, it is good to take a deep breath and take your lower tier tanks out for a spin. Also, I only have two artys. I am terrible at them, and don't take myself too seriously when playing them. So I always end my session with an arty battle.
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Thanks guys....!

I guess I just have to break down and purchase the game...!

@Ken F. If you decide you like what you see an expense you should consider asap is the "premium account." You can buy premium days for a variety of lengths of time depending on your budget. Last I checked it was only about $13/mo., maybe less. Not sure. OK, just checked. Premium days are going for about $54 for six months or $99/yr..

However, the benefit of a premium account is that you earn 50% more experience per battle. This makes a HUGE difference in the amount of time it takes towards upgrading your current tanks, researching new ones and improving crew skills. Can't emphasize this enough.

@Nort My recent T-II experience was hilarious. No team strategy whatsoever. No defense. No planned spotting because 1/2 the tanks were lights and the whole map was lit up! No sniping as everyone was "balls-to-the-walls" full speed ahead. I would just wait for some speed jockey to come into my LOS and blast away. Quite the different experience from usual.
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Downloaded WOT -- looked around a bit -- took a couple of tin cans on tracks for a quick spin in two or three random battles and wobbled around like a drunk vicar on a bicycle before meeting my inevitable demise a few minutes into the firefight (if that) ... looks a little crazy and looks like it'll need a kind of time investment to get anywhere in this that I simply can't do... might pop in now and then to blow off some steam...LOL
To get an experience other then that you describe it does take some time until you feel comfortable about what is going on around you. It's easy to go into full blown panic mode driving the low tier tanks because a lot of them are very fast making them at the same time hard to control and hard to hit, not to mention hard to hit anything with them while on the move.

As you gain (real) experience and start moving up the tank tiers the battles slow down a lot. Partially because Hvy tanks and TD's mostly move slower, but also because strategy and tactics start to show up and players become more cautious in their maneuvering. Around, oh, tier V, if you're on a battlefield and don't have at least some kind of an idea what your tank is best suited to do, and how to do it, your life expectancy will still likely be short. Just for different reasons than your early battles.

And develop a thick skin. While the chat function can be helpful and needs to be viewed as an in battle aid, their will come a time where other players will be critical of your play, deserved or not. I've played enough now to know when I do well or not and don't need outside advice in that regard. Mostly I don't care what others think anymore. Mostly.

I also recommend you immediately activate the chat filter. Some of those 12-year-olds have real potty-mouths. Sometimes my view of the chat conversation is nothing but ****************. :D
@Nort Did it again! LOL
After getting a Top Gun award in my ISU-152 yesterday I got another one tonight driving my Tier VI CHi-To! Very favorable MM and only 3 tier VI's on red side. My Chi-To just crushed anything that got in his way. Had to settle for the six kills when the last tank took four hits from me, but managed to get around a corner and evade my pursuit, dying under the gun of another tank he practically ran into in his panic flight. :cool:
Apparently the v9.7 upgrade has been delayed in EU. And even though I installed it from the NA server a few minutes ago Alsain says the postponement will mean his Mod Installer will not be available for the NA until the EU server gets up to speed. May not be until the 27th or so. I don't really understand that, but there it is.

Just played a couple of battles w/o my normal mods. Dreadful.
Hi All,

I am now totally addicted to World of Tanks.

If you play on the East USA server, you can watch me spin around in circles and bump into things, before drowning my tank in the lake...!
