EMPIRE BUILDERS: Field of Glory 2 Medieval Campaign - COMPLETED!!

Vikings overwhelmed the RUs right flank with Beserkers leading the way.
That's a wrap for ROUND 1 -- WHITE captures CONSTANTINOPLE !!

FOG Medieval Empires Round 1h.jpg

1. ENGLAND - Blue attack from Scotland & Ireland - @HOA_KSOP (Scots 1162 - 1319) vs @Rico (English 1155 - 1271) - WHITE VICTORY (62-54% = +17%)

2. DENMARK - Red attack from Poland - @mTk (Viking 900-1049) vs @HOA_KSOP (Rus 960 - 1053) -- Wolves At The Gate DLC battle - RED VICTORY (53%-9= +44%)

3. CASTILLE - Green attack from Gascony - @Mad Mike (French 1155-1349) vs @Badger73 (Navarrese 1155-1299) - BLUE VICTORY (+7%)

4. CONSTANTINOPLE - White attack from Greece - @Wellsonian (Byzantine 1050-1071) vs @Nathangun (Italo-Norman 1061 - 1071) - WHITE VICTORY (43-15%= +28%)
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We're gonna put on some big boy pants and attack the Greens in Norway with me leading the charge. What timeline/troop types do I set up the battle/challenge with?
Any time period available in the Medieval or Wolves at Gates modules.
Armies appropriate to geographical location - Danes, Vikings, Swedes, Norwegians etc.
Things kicking off:

RED attacks NORWAY -- GREEN plse assign defending player.

WHITE attacks ANATOLIA -- BLUE please assign defending player. (@Wellsonian will post battle challenge details)

@HOA_KSOP @Badger73 -- BLUE turn to declare your attack.

FOG Medieval Empires Round 2b.jpg

1. NORWAY - Red attack from Denmark - @Nathangun vs @Alpha Zwo (battle challange still to be posted)_

2. ANATOLIA - White attack from Constantinople - @Wellsonian (challenge & defender still to be announced)

3. BLUE attack

4. GREEN attack
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